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In Case of Emergency, Please Remove Your Bra 123

An anonymous reader writes "Caught in a disaster with harmful airborne particles? You'd better hope you're wearing the Emergency Bra. Simply unsnap the bright red bra, separate the cups, and slip it over your head — one cup for you, and one for your friend. Dr. Elena Bodnar won an Ig Nobel Award for the invention last year, an annual tribute to scientific research that on the surface seems goofy but is often surprisingly practical. And now Bodnar has brought the eBra to the public; purchase one online for just $29.95."

Comment I don't think they can afford to charge for this (Score 1) 240

A colleague has an iPad, which he carries with him almost everywhere. He tethers it to his non AT&T phone for free.Why would anyone buy an iPad and an iPhone if it requires either two data plans or one expensive one given the cheaper alternatives. ATT will keep me as an iPhone customer once I own an IPad by allowing me to tether the iPad to it,

Comment Re:checks and balances, sue and cash in (Score 1) 1590

So there's perception, and there's reality. Maybe the reality is the police won't ask a victim to prove they're in the country legally. If an illegal immigrant's perception is the local police will deport them if they report a crime, do you think that they would report it. Likewise, if an illegal immigrant witnessed a crime, would they come forward if they believed doing so would get them deported?

Comment Toll Free Call (Score 1) 171

I hate it when this comes up on caller ID, 95% of the time it's a telemarketer, the other 5% it's my credit card company telling me there's a problem with my card. I don't know why anyone would want to be confused for a telemarketer, but inexplicably my credit card company does.

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