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Comment Your not locked to any DNS tree. You can choose. (Score 1) 186

No one makes you use any particular DNS server tree. In fact you can use many. You could even have a search path for various trees. This is why it is dumb for Government/courts to block/take domain names. One can always use an alt DNS system that is out of reach from the law. That domain name system could be searched first and then fall back on the IANA one.

Comment With more capacity, more people will move here (Score 2) 431

The widening project was a travesty of wasted money. It's was more about employing people than it was increasing capacity which they didn't want to do since if you did that the rest of the LA area would suffer more crowning and traffic.

With the money they had they had available they could have built a layer on top of the existing freeway that could have withstood a 10.0 earthquake. It's really not that long a stretch they are working on. They could possibly have tunneled through the mountains in two or three places with the same amount of money which wouldn't have bothered existing traffic.

Back in the 50's oil companies bought off LA area city planning. They designed the city for traffic. They decided where the more expensive and less expensive areas would be. Then they put the areas of industry and shopping far away from the cheaper housing which is where more people travel from.

Comment The future of space is private! (Score 3, Insightful) 140

I can't care about the nay sayers. The problem with NASA is funding and politics. Space projects take decades and commitment. And for at least a few decades you can think of private space companies as nonprofits.

It's better to just have NASA raise funds, devise national policy and sign contracts; an extension to what they were doing anyway. They just won't be micromanaging anymore. It also allows other governments or even individuals or corporations to contract with the same people and get it on the act.

Having private companies allows more insulation from political influence. It allows them to better focus on achieving something rather than making politicians happy. The same people that would have worked at JPL will instead be working for private equivalents. It's the same people, just a different letterhead.

Comment I may be most libertarian but... (Score 4, Interesting) 408

I think states and cities should be rolling out their own fiber. Sort of like building roads. And then subsidize installation for last mile fiber for any homeowner that can afford $1000. They don't need to install the network equipment but they can or they can lease the lines to businesses. The state could fund a redundant backbone network that the cities could trunk into. Just design the lines to be replaced every 30 years.

Cites could then individually choose to offer "free" internet. Of course that would mean they would just subcontract out to a business to provide the network equipment and service. Cities pay for these sorts of things through property taxes.

  I may be libertarian but I classify this as necessary infrastructure that will benefit the vast majority. Everything else is just more expensive.

Comment Re:Sad Day (Score 1) 198

Pardon I was completely wrong. The positions were indeed reversed. Ebert was light hearted about the movie. But I still got a kick out of watching that segment again. I think it's interested they were more passionate about that film than about Full Metal Jacket.

Comment Re:Sad Day (Score 1) 198

Thanks odd. I remember the disagreement between the two about a Bengie movie. Ebert hated it while Siskel liked it as a fun movie for what it was. It was a hilarious disagreement because both were so passionate. They even went on Oprah later and got into it a bit.

Comment Re:Doesn't quite make sence (Score 1) 344

I don't think the ATF is really interested all that much with guns. They are about enforcing regulation and it just so happens that one of those things is guns. On the regulation of guns they will do their job but only pay close attention when those guns can be used against them in the course of their job. The ATF is more like an assault force than a defense force. A man in full body armor laughs at Saturday night specials.

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