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Comment Re:You seriously cannot use Google?????????? (Score 1) 642

Oh, and my request about wanting to know who was saying this wasn't, as you suppose because my mind can't handle certain things.

It's because I wanted to make sure it wasn't like you see so often in other debates where someone with a PhD in a completely unrelated field (i.e., an electrical engineer PhD talking about climate change) is saying you should believe them because they've got a PhD.

Because, lord knows, we've ~never~ had that sort of thing happen on Slashdot before.

Comment Re:I'm sure in California it is... (Score 1) 642

It's not isolated to California & New York.

I worked as a programmer for several years in South Carolina. And sexism was rampant in tech there.

Now, you could argue "well, yeah, but it's South Carolina... sexism is rampant everywhere there", and I wouldn't entirely disagree. But it is more prevalent than just NY/Cali.

Comment Who are the scientists? (Score 1) 642

So, in the previous threads on this one, quite a few people were saying things like, "A number of scientists have come out and said, 'No, he's right about the things in his letter'", or words to that effect.

So... Who are these scientists?

Anyone have some names? And fields of science for those names?

Comment Re:Perhaps globalism might be in fear for once. (Score 4, Insightful) 1560

You think there's going to be ~less~ fraud and abuse under a Trump presidency?

He's got a Dept. of Education cabinet pick who blames a clerical error on her being VP of her mother's charity for 17 years, an HHS pick who passed laws to specifically help his stock picks (and I don't mean made it easier to trade stocks - he bought stocks and then helped pass laws that made those company's stock prices go up), and a pick for Sec State who wants to reduce sanctions on Russia so his former company, Exxon (they're tiny, you might not have heard of them), can get billions of dollars worth of investment off the ground there, also helping his stock prices.

Shine on, you crazy diamond.

Comment Honest serious question here... (Score 2) 124

Who would care to remove the calculator?

I mean this seriously. I don't use it often, as the math I may need to do is more often statistical stuff where it's beyond the calc, but fine in Excel, but there's still plenty of times I use calc.

Who has so little space on their computer that removing calc is going to make a difference? That one sort of feels like, "We need to add one more thing to the list of things removed..." "Cortana! Everyone hates it!" "No, Bob, we can't take that out. We'll let them uninstall calc instead."

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