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Comment Re:Stephen Donaldson - Thomas Covenant (Score 1) 1365

Thomas Covenant is probably the most depressing high fantasy I've ever read, not really sci-fi though.

I thought Accelerando was kinda depressing, not for what happens to the individual characters, more for what happens to mankind overall.

I was just thinking the same thing, since I'm in the middle of re-reading it.

Watching what we think of as humanity drowning under a tsunami of progress. Everyone ending up virtualized with the solar system being dismantled for computronium and surrounded by entities too vast and complicated to fathom is very depressing to me.

Comment Re:Its Carmack! (Score 1) 635

No, you're reversing the roles. Romero is Lennon, and his Yoko was Daikatana.

  Carmack is more like McCartney, a brilliant craftsman, but rather uninspired in the creative department. He, like McCartney, went on to churn out tons of serviceable but not very exciting stuff. Lennon is the one who went out into weirdoville to give us "songs" "featuring" Yoko shrieking atonally into a microphone, so yeah. Totally Daikatana.

Damn, I wish I had mod points right now. This is spot on.

Comment Re:Don't put up with it. (Score 1) 236

Major rewrites should only come when the cost of adding necessary new features exceeds the rewrite by some margin.

If you're lucky, you can build something with an identical interface that lends itself well to automated and manual testing of features to ensure all of the features get implemented. If you're not, you have to dredge up requirements from years of bugfixes and enhancements to ensure that you're covering all your bases.

Stepwise refactoring is usually much easier and safer than rewriting something.

Comment Re:But..., but.... (Score 1) 158

Who's vigilant of the free market other than government regulators?

Misdeeds done at the corporate level (c.f. Enron) generally only come to light through governmental regulatory investigations, since companies can tell you to sod off. The government reports to the people and we have a number of tools to ferret out misdeeds within government. Government also investigates itself regularly.

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