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Comment Re:Point out the obvious (Score 1) 194

When you have medicare and or the VA paying then you can take a more useful / cheaper Android or you can buy a higher cost apple and get more markup out of it also makeing so that the end user can't buy there own and pair it on there own makes you use them for Replacement when it hits the end of it's battery life.

If only we had an better healthcare system that was not loaded with insane markup.

Comment test software but not hardware / road conditions (Score 2) 173

may help test software but not the full hardware and how well it works in all kinds of weather / settings. Also what about road conditions / slight lines? odd traffic light layouts / intersections? Just useing google street view as the input likely will not get the full lay out from each lane / all times of day / all cycles.

Comment Re:That's why slashdot is against tech immigration (Score 1) 441

the require college degree can be used to get rid of US workers / make so weed you a to X degree that the H1B has an a US worker is unlikely to have. X being one that can be one from an non us UIN and or not even an CS / tech one.

Also IT jobs do not need college degree any ways.

Also add forced OT pay for 60+ hours a week (if the OT is over 50% of the year) and X2 OT at 70-80+ (removes the lock to job (can't say no to ot) and get the work of 2 out of one)

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