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Comment Re:I patched my tape library, that changed (Score 2) 53

You can't just compare the number of vulnerabilities. You have to look at how critical they were. You have to look at what components they were in. For example, does Windows include IE? I'm sure your iOS and OS X numbers include Safari. For Linux, is this just the kernel, a distro or all distros?

Comment Re: Tabs vs Spaces (Score 4, Insightful) 428

Funny, I feel the exact opposite. The FreeBSD style(9) documentation suggests tabs because they can be customized to individual developers needs and they minimize weird diffs on the version control systems.

I take language and platform into account. For HTML and JavaScript, I prefer spaces. For Java, Perl, C#, CSS, C, and C++ tabs. If there is a crazy IDE required, I often prefer spaces because many of them default to some level of spaces and I like the quick code cleanup command to work the same for the whole team.

The real issue with that question is that it's impossible to answer. Even if you get a "spaces" person, try to get them to agree on the number of spaces. A coworker loves 2 spaces which is flat out wrong to me. Too hard to read. I've met people into 3 or 4 spaces. Then you get into where to put curly braces, etc.

Whatever you choose, it should be a standard for code whether at an open source project or a company.

I can't stand everyone using their own style. It's much worse than having to use a specific one.

Comment Re:meh. (Score 1) 48

This clunky spacebot has no style. Everybody knows that the ultimate vehicle for reentry and soft landing is shaped exactly like a 1959 Corvette.

Just don't bring the green orb with you.

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