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Comment Re:What exactly do you mean by "Fraud"? (Score 1) 786

For example, we've still yet to figure out why the periods with higher CO2 composition than we have today (about 20 times as much) have been found to be cooler using the same methods that Michael Mann uses to argue his hockey stick graph.

Which periods are these?

There have been no periods of time for which the Proxies from MBH 1998 were available that had 20 times as much CO2.

However CO2 doesn't play a role in that. I mean shit, we create it simply by breathing.

Your claim is that not a pollutant because we create it by breathing?

I don't follow that logic. What is it about breathing that requires the things created by it not to be pollutants? No, it wasn't. It was essentially asking for a cap on greenhouse emissions.

Comment Re:What exactly do you mean by "Fraud"? (Score 1) 786

Mann's claims were fraudulent because he deliberately used screwy statistical methods and selective sampling to make a modest rise look like impeding doom.

If the work is corroborated, then the rise that he showed is quite correct.

Your claims of screwy statistical methods and selective sampling are therefore complete bollocks too.

Comment Re:Fuck the KOCHs. (Score 1) 786

You'd hope this was true, but I see the anti-vax movement and religious extremism both gaining momentum. And consumer protection against "alternative medicine" as we're forced to call heath fraud nowadays, was much stronger in the 40s.

I hope and trust that Mann is right in this case, but the denialist movement has fucked us all.

Comment Re:Mann is a fruad (Score 5, Insightful) 786

and the religion of Catastrophic Anthropogenic Climate Change is alive and well... unfortunately

Ahh, the anti-science movement calling the pro-scientific movement a "religion".

This is one of the lies that the anti-science's PR movement pays people to tell. If you have a fault, it is a good idea to accuse the other side of that fault so that the perception develops that both sides are as bad as each other.

How's that working out for you with the audience of ?

That's because it doesn't work on people who are actually following what's going on.

Comment What exactly do you mean by "Fraud"? (Score 5, Insightful) 786

Only about 20% of scholarly papers that are cutting edge science are still corroborated 5 years later.

One example of research that has been particularly well corroborated by later papers is the temperature reconstructions by Mann, Bradley and Hughes.

There is no higher standard of affirmation than reproduction by independent lines of evidence.

How can this possibly be fraud?

Neither is he self-promoting. He is science promoting. That is to be admired. Even if you're a Bush or Murdoch, so that you've an interest in not promoting it.

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Comment Re:They WILL FIght Back (Score 1) 516

huge amounts of deforestation (nine thousand acres worth),


It looks from the aerial photography you link to that they just cut tracks to each turbine.

Wind power is a joke regardless of how you look at it.

I look at it from price per unit, insulation from oscillating fuel prices, greenhouse emissions, and production of harmful waste.

It's not as funny as you seem to think.

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