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Comment Re:They need to get their shit together (Score 1) 169

If the renewables meet 100% of the peak load, it would be very disruptive to the utility companies. They generate base load over the whole day and they buy/sell electricity in the wholesale market to meet the peak load. They have more expensive gas turbine generators to handle peak load. If the renewables are able to meet 100% of the deficit between peak demand and base capacity, the wholesale price would drop to zero. It has already happened in Australia. The utilities will respond by reducing the base generation capacity. But their pricing power will be gone. Utilities make significant portion of the profit in the peak demand markets. If that lucrative market is gone, their profitability will be seriously eroded.

Comment Deceptive comparison (Score 1) 71

Nuclear submarines do not manage 10 times body length per second speed. But they do it in a sustained manner. If you average the speed of the octopi over the time it takes to recharge its head, you would find it is not doing so well either.

10 times body length per second is impressive on its own for under water bodies. I suspect the reason is the shrinking of the head as water is ejected out of the nozzle as it moves. In underwater craft, the vehicle has to displace the fluid around it, make room for itself and then occupy that space as it moves forward. Water is incompressible for all practical purposes. Water is a very heavy fluid, 1000 times the density of air ( 1 Kg/m^3 for air, 1000 Kg/m^3 for water). It takes lots of power to set that much of water in motion to move it out of the way. But octopi have an unusual mode of propulsion, its head will fill with water slowly and then when it moves its head is shrinking, it does not have to move that much water out of the way as it moves forward. That probably accounts for the relative speed.

Again, it is impressive for an octopi with tiny brains capable of just predicting football match winners. They could not have solved the Navier-Stokes equations and figured this out.

Comment Re:Phone size myopia (Score 1) 277

What would be nice and I don't know if we'll ever get there for lots of reasons (technological and sales/marketing) would be a watch-sized device becoming the root device with the phone or tablet being the kind of screen/user interface, tethered to the phone for network access. That way you could pick your "phone" based on size preference, or none at all if all you wanted was bluetooth audio and phone calling.

That is unlikely, barring some miraculous breakthrough in radio efficiency or battery capacity. The radio in the watch would drain the battery way too fast if it was constantly communicating with other devices.

A lot of fun ideas about how one might use mobile devices fall flat as soon as you factor in the energy storage constraint.

Comment Re:Depends on the specs. (Score 1) 253

This is a popular sentiment, and it is true in the simple sense that if other people are satisfied with 3 GHz CPU:s then you will be satisfied too.

This hides the real reason why clock speeds of new CPU designs are no longer increasing at the rate that that they used to. The reasons are basically that they current way of making chips has largely run its course down to a dead end where it is not feasible to increase the clock speed. Maybe someone will think of a better way to make circuits, but for now we're stuck in the 3-5 GHz range.

Now you might say "but seriously, 3 GHz is enough for anyone". To which I would say: game makers and the makers of software IDE:s will think of ways to waste any amount CPU cycles available. Any amount. There would be a market for 3 THz CPU:s if it were possible to could make them (and sell them at a reasonable price point).

Comment Nvidia sold out. (Score 1) 275

That is what the conspiracy buffs would say. So would you, if your meal ticket is selling conspiracy theories to credulous folks. They are not bound by rhyme nor logic, and they don't even care all the conspiracy theories are mutually exclusive and self contradicting. To think some argument about global light source is going to sway them is ridiculous.

Comment Re:Why do they take the risk? (Score 4, Informative) 144

When you click the search box it often triggers a popup ad. I would imagine that ad sees hundreds of millions of impressions per month, which would translate to hundreds of thousands of dollars in monthly revenue at an average of $1 per 1000 impressions.

There are also some regular ads on the site. They could easily be making more than $10 million a year in ad revenue.

Comment Reactive will meet its goal. (Score 3, Insightful) 101

The goal is to promise heaven and earth to the management. Sell bunch of tools to the management, collect handsome consulting fees sell some books etc. By the timethecon job is realized, these guys would be on to their next scam, clueless management would have awarded itself another round of boni, (because everything done by the management deserves a bonus).

Comment Re:Apple's new streaming service? (Score 1) 358

You can capture the sound and record it as a file in a format of your choice, but the average consumer will have a hard time recreating something that matches the experience that a well maintained streaming music service can offer.

We no longer even have to create playlist. We can just find an interesting playlist that someone else has created (for example a friend with good music taste, or a staff member who is payed to create playlist) and play it with one click. We can be pretentious all day long, but in the end instant gratification is instantly gratifying.

My library of pirated music is so out of date with my music taste that I would probably delete 95% of it, assuming the old drive that I put it on still works. It must be half a decade since I last spun it up. The only thing that leaves me unenthusiastic about streaming music is that these corporations hardly lift a finger to make it easy to contribute money to the artists.

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