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Comment Re:Can Apple survive and/or flourish w/o Steve Job (Score 1) 612

I have to admit, I thought -very highly- of the Apple II era. The user manual was revolutionary (and user-friendly) and the system calls were part of empowering any user who wanted to learn how. THANK YOU for those (very fun) times (and the GS synth).

Then came the Mac era. The rainbow became the chrome crest. The fantastic build quality changed into OK build-quality. Software access sank into impossible obscurity for non-pros (e.g. getting serial configured for MIDI I/O). I bought a couple of products since then, and both suffered costly hardware failures.

I'd like to see another era like that first one, returning power over their own computers to the users. Impossible dream?

Comment Fragile, time-consuming beauty (Score 1) 505

I just installed Linux Mint KDE a couple of weeks ago to dip my noob toes (after decades of PC ownership and programming) in the water. Not too shabby. So I decide to install a MIDI sequencer called Muse. It complains that it can't find "Jack". So I go to get Jack and there are two versions. I pick the newest package Jack2 and install it. Muse can't find Jack. Spend a half-hour googling to find that the problem might be solved with Jack1. I unload Jack2 and install Jack1. Music can't find Jack.

Etc. etc. Went through all this CRAP a decade ago when making computer music on major platforms meant spending 75% of the time fighting the technology. Hundreds of wasted hours. History. So LMK is now consigned to the "toy boutique" bin. There have been several other oddities that make LMK seem fragile. Love the speed and small footprint, but ....

Comment Re:Very variable. (Score 1) 125

If you have specific objections to the content based on substantial personal knowledge/experience - but don't have time to do the editing (preferable) or to look up a bunch of citations - then bring your points up in the TALK page.

There they -will- be seen be serious editor(s) and (eventually) will be dealt with. The time this takes can vary from days to years. Faster results may result from snagging an ear in one of the community forums.

Comment Innovation needed (Score 1) 370

As a longtime Wikian, gotta agree that WP is long-overdue for some interface overhauls. And some imaginative, sort of "3D"-ish (expansive, connection-revealing, ... ??) alternatives for viewing data. It has done well at emulating formatted texts, and taking elementary advantage of hyperlinks, but done very little serious innovation in modern/alternative forms of data-display, in linking, in user-customization and user-world-building ... I could go on and on.

WP is a wonderful project, and I'm happy to have been a part of it, but I'd really like to see some leadership into taking advantage of all that data in some awesome, mind-blowing ways. Maybe it needs to run a year-long contest with BIG substantial PRIZES for world-class innovation -with graphics- (plug-in?) that enhances insights and utility by an order of magnitude.

Comment Re: does it matter (Score 1) 878

Does it matter in what way? Rest assured that (Fo sho) the grammar coming out of the CEO of Barclay's Bank is still of the finest order (hot shit). Because those with the most to win or lose always make themselves as "acceptable" as possible (wrap themselves in a pretty package)(project a finished persona). Which is why politicians move away from newsies when they wanna vent their real feelings.

Those who are engaged in (is dishin) looser or informal conversation (da shiznit) can relax a bit (hang loose).

Comment Reaping what they sowed (Score 1) 456

The G created a harsh climate at the rollout by deep-sixing early adopters (some well-known web personalities, trend-setters, creatives) without explanation or recourse just because they didn't like their log-in names (??!! You'd think they weren't around back when The Well was a hot item ... or ever found time in their busy schedule to watch a TED talk that wasn't techie.)

Google is genetically incapable of 'getting' social networking. They threw away their golden halo years ago.

Comment T.Boone was a man ... just a BIIIIIIIIG man! (Score 1) 346

Mr. T. Boone (not to be confused with Slim) may be out of the game for now, but he gets big bonus points with me for being a pioneer and trying to lead the way. It won't be that many years before people like him will be belatedly lauded for clearsightedness and wisdom in the face of our $600Ba oil deficits.

In the meantime, there's plenty of other wind action happening across the US (not to mention China, which is trying to corner the manufacturing market). There's SO much wind energy being wasted in the Midwest that T. Boone might want to invest instead in some of those 15MW monsters the Spanish are building.

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