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Comment Defining the Paramaters (Score 1) 165

I'm no expert on American comics, but I know that the term "Golden Age" tends to be a little loosely defined. I'm going to make an assumption and suggest that you are interested in more than just the early super hero comics. If this is the case, then I would make the following points: (1) The golden Age is best remembered for the birth of the super heroe genre, but at the time Disney character comics out sold those by a wide margin. (2) During the Golden age there was a plethora of other genres avaible, including Detectivce, romance and western. (3) Towards the end of the "Golden Age" super heroes began to fall out of favour and crime and horror became more popularity. It was the rise of these which led to the comics code. With this in mind, it's immediately clear that there are a huge number of possibilities for exploring the "Golden Age". My recommendation would be to look at some of the most notable writers / artists whose work has been widely collected and is easy to get hold of. So specifically I would consider: (1) "The Carl Barks Library" - A series of books collecting all the Donald Duck stories by Carl barks, arguably the greatest golden age "Funny animals" artist. (2) "The Spirit Archives" - DC's reprinting of Will Esiners ground breaking Detective series. The Spirit covered a wide variety of genres from comedy to horror from action adventure to crime drama. (3) "The Ditko Archives" - Ditko came in at the end of the Golden era, and much of his early work was in the horror and mystery comics. There are of course many many other options, but these are soem of my favourites, and I think they give you a good flavour of the variety of the Golden Age!

Submission + - Spiderman creator using kickstarter for latest project (

tiniebras writes: Steve Ditko best known for the creation of spiderman is raising funds for his latest work via Kickstarter. Ditko who stopped producing work for the big name comic publishers some time ago has continued to write and draw self-published projects. According to Robin Snyder, Ditkos colleague and publisher, the move to kick starter is intended to expose his work to a wider audience.

Submission + - 'Star Wars' Meets 'Minority Report' In Amazing Gesture-Based Armband (

redletterdave writes: "If you've ever dreamt you could magically control doors, objects or electronic devices with just a hand gesture, Ontario-based Thalmic Labs has the gadget of your dreams: The MYO armband, which comes in two colors and just one flexible size, grips your forearm and uses your electrical activity in your muscles to intelligently and wirelessly control any kind of digital technology over Bluetooth. And since electrical impulses travel faster than your hand can act, MYO can perform actions even before your hand does, which creates a fluid and synchronous connection between your mind, your hand, and the object you want to control."

Comment I worked in game for several years.. (Score 1) 172

There was much I enjoyed, and much i loathed. GAME did a good job of importing the american customer service model in an effort to become more profesional as it grew. It was a very sales driven environemnet, where the goal was to engage the customer, and help steer their choices. Some people like that some don't. The GAME stores were constantly in competition against each other for sales, and also against their own sales figures from previous years. Sadly, whilst the company moved towards focusing more on the customers, it failed to focus on its staff. There was no benefit to the Sales assistants in selling more, other than their manager shouted at them less. The company had a big chip on its shuoulder about staff theft as it tried to transition and exapnd from a small chain to a more profesional outfit. This led to routine searches of staff before leaving the store, and treating all staff as potentional thiefs. I agree with the above posts that what really killed GAME though,was the reduction in footfall. "Young" game buyers moved across to internet shopping a long time ago, but GAME survived on the key period of Christmas presents. December+january takings were equall to takings for the rest of the year in some concessions. With the appearance of not jsut games, but also hardware in supermarkets, this too began to ebb away. I loved checking out games at GAME when I was young. I loved working there in my early 20's. I want to say I wish it was still there, but when I think about it, I haven't been to GAME to buy anything for over 5 years. I go to browse, and catch up with friends. But never to buy. In the end, I guess I killed GAME.

Submission + - Master of Laketown supports Hobbit Pub (

tiniebras writes: "In a follow up to yesterdays story over the Hobbit Pub lawsuit, Steven Fry, well known actor has added his considerable influence to supporting the Pubs cause. Fry, who is currently shooting his role in Jacksons Hobbit Film as the Master of Laketown, has posted his support for the pub via twitter . With over 4 million followers this has bought the story into the sights of the mainstream media."

Submission + - It comes in pints? ( 1

tiniebras writes: "Another day, another ridiculous litigation story. This time its an independent Southampton (UK) pub which has been operating under the name of "The Hobbit" for over 20 years which is in the sights of california based Saul Zaentz Company which now owns stage and merchandising rights to The Hobbit. Grass roots opposition is already mouting through everybodys favourite social media portal ("

Comment Summary (Score 2) 1205

My understanding of the comments so far: (1) This issue is a sharp rise in the cost, rather than the absolute cost. So the fact that others are already paying more is irelevant. If an item of your domestic budget suddenly increases drastically in cost this hurts. This is especially true, when you are limited in trems of how much you can reduce your use of that item. (2) Other countries are also expriencing these price rises, but it is more painful for americans. It is more painful for several reasons including the lesser density of population requiring more travel, but also the long history of cheap energy, which means fewer alternatives to petrol transport have been developed. (3) There are two seperate sources of pressure of petrol costs. The long term issue of finite resources, and the short/mid term pressures of middle east instability. There is a strong political lobby using these price rises as a platform to remind people of the need to consider alternative energy soureces. There is also a realisation in "The West" of our energy dependence on "The East", and this causes tension.

Comment I'm not recommending this... (Score 1) 582

When I was at Uni over a decade ago now, the firewall rankled with me (I'm a grown up...let me choose! ;) so being somewhat childish I attached a hardware keylogger and reported a computer fault (I think i cleared the isntalled printers and said the "PC won't print"). Anyhoo, next time I cam back to the lab I had me an admin login. This didn't allow me to access the net through my user, but interstingly the admin account seemed to have pretty much unfettered access to the web. I was too scared to use it, but had I needed soemthing in an was there ;)

Comment What constitutes a shoe? (Score 1) 502

I only think of myself as owning one pair of "shoes". I do however own a pair of walking boots, a pair of wellingtons, a pair of slippers, and a bear of sandals.I also have some rollerblades. I appreciate that strictly speaking these are all shoes, but in day to day use the word "shoes" isn't usually used to refer to these. So I've voted for 1 pair :)

Comment Maybe I need more friends (Score 1) 396

The only people who call me are work, my family, and my group of friends who know each other. If i'm at work, they can all call me there. If I'm at hoem, they can all call me there. If I'm out with family I don't wish work or friends to call me.. If I'm out with friends I don't wish family or work to call me. So I don't really understand why i should need a cell! Maybe I need friends who don't kow each other. I guess if I had competeing groups ofr friends a cell could be useful. But I doubt it ;)

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