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Comment Re:Sheriff (Score 2) 467

It is pretty routine to ignore these types of warrants until they land in your face.

When they first received the warrant they may have rolled by her home, and if she was not there, put it in a pile of unlocated warrant suspects and log it in the computer. Now the next time she had an interaction with law enforcement, say a speeding ticket or a proof of insurance checkpoint, the warrant would pop up and she would be arrested and taken to court to clear the warrant.

Comment Stealing vs. copyright infringement; not the issue (Score 3) 263

I think most people by now understand the difference. The real question is do we want (what I will call) common copyright infringement, which is already against the law as a civil matter to be criminal fineable or jailable offense.

But now, do we want common copyright infringement infringement to be a crime?

I think most hear can agree that using someone's copyright against their will is wrong. But is it a moral wrong, a civil wrong, or a criminal wrong? Clearly those who own the copyrights don't want others using their copyrights without their authorization/compensation. But is this a battle that we want the government involved in, criminally? Some copyright infringement already is criminal. Remember all of those FBI warnings at the beginning of DVDs? If you start selling copyrighted materials as your own, you could be going to jail. And I think we call all agree that this is a crime. Clearly in large scale infringement cases, for example Microsoft using some Apple copyright, a civil proceeding is warranted and suitable.

But what do we do with individual offenders? The Pirate bay types. What type of crime is is? A moral one like adultery? (used to be a crime, but is not anymore **exceptions noted**) or should it rise to a punishable offense? What is the line between the two?

These are the questions we should be asking ourselves and as a society and not allowing special interest groups to drive the discussion.

Comment Re:They just pled guilty (Score 1) 230

This is correct. The first stage of any criminal prosecution after arraignment is decisions on motions to exclude different type evidence that the prosecutor is required to disclose that they intent to use at trial. This could be 1) physical evidence, like the smoking gun, 2) statements such as interviews with the police or other admissions 3) or electronic evidence such as this.

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