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Comment Re:make you pay tax for that in game cash! (Score 1) 620

Maybe it is just in the Netherlands, but everything is supposed to be taxed ones here.

A company that buys stuff does this basically tax free.

- He declares the VAT that it payed for the stuff and how much he sells, and then only pays the difference (which the customer is actually paying).
- Everything a company buys is subtracted from the profit so it only pays income tax over the profit it makes on selling products.
- The salary is also subtracted from the profit, so only the employee pays income taxes over that money.

In eve it is not possible to convert back virtual goods back to money. It is possible to buy a PLEX and pay for your subscription. But that PLEX was already taxed to begin with.

Comment Re:New headline (Score 1) 620

but the player who actually created the PLEX where not compensated by CCP, they where compensated by an other player.

Everyone, even CCP are saying that PLEX is just and item in the game, but it isn't, it is the only item in the game that can control something in your account, namely add 30 days of subscription.

Fact of the matter is CCP sold a subscription in the form of a PLEX that is now gone. On average customers now have to rebuy those 47 subscriptions from CCP (more subscriptions sold) or don't play (less business costs for CCP).

Now, I am not saying this is a good or a bad thing for the game as a whole.

Comment Re:gift card laws? (Score 1) 620

You could argue that a PLEX is also a gift card, which was bought by an ETC gift card.

A PLEX is destroyed and the services need never be rendered by CCP.
I don't know about this gift card law, but I gather that even if you lose your gift card on the bus, or it is destroyed in a fire, Kohl still need to render the service to you.

Comment design? (Score 1) 620

The fact that a waring party or a griefer wants to make sure you loose your PLEX isn't a function of loot drop rate. However the motivation for a pirate to destroy your ship to take your PLEX is .

Therefor as a sum, a low PLEX drop rate lowers the chance of people destroying your ship because of the PLEX in your hold.

You see the same things with Orcas vs. Freighters, Orcas have a corp hanger to haul stuff in which don't drop loot. Pirates don't take down Orcas because there is nothing to gain. However in a war an Orca is still a sweet kill.

Comment Re:Question for EVE players (Score 1) 620

actually a good fitted frigate is a better option than something bigger. If you are fast they can never get a lock on you, if you are big it is only a matter of time until you are destroyed.

Unless of course you hit a gate in lowsec in your atron (one of the best cheap courier frigates) where a pirate disco battleship sits. I lost a large shipment of decryptors in this situation.

Comment Re:Assume IE 6 earns them 1 million dollars a day. (Score 1) 233

I don't think it is actually about upgrading the workstations to IE8, this is about all the internal websites that have been created to work with nothing but IE6.

There are many companies that have these problems, they have their intranet stuff like registration of hours, personnel phonebook, documentation server, etc. All of these intranet websites have been bought from different companies, and they haven't upgraded these sites and some of these companies no longer exist. All these websites don't work with IE8, or firefox, or any other browser except IE6.

And even worse, often, after upgrading these websites, they no longer work on IE6. So you have to upgrade everything in one go; all the websites and all the workstations.

Comment Re:Any sufficiently advanced technology... (Score 2, Interesting) 432

Microsoft Security Essentials in pure virus scanner mode is no problem.

But when it is in active mode, scanning data from the network, etc. It does slow down your machine. I had it running when playing EVE Online, and every second the frame rate/update rate would drop a bit, it was very noticeable. When I turned of the active part, it ran smooth again.

Comment Re:Any sufficiently advanced technology... (Score 1) 432

64 bit address space means that mmap() works on large files, even if you have less than 4 GB available memory, this can be a large boost with a lot of programs that handles large files. This includes movie, audio and image editors. But also games that can map in the whole level.

Although theoretically you can do small mmap slices when using 32bit address space, programming it is more complicated and probably will introduce a performance penalty compared to just mapping the complete file.

To me the performance is not that you can address more physical memory, but that you can use the 64-bit address space for other things, including mmap().

Comment Re:Still doing that? (Score 1) 631

The atheist option of choice is not to -believe- any of the hypothesis about what was before the universe or what started the universe to begin with. It allows us to think about many options about the start of the universe, without actually picking one to believe in.

Depending on how the universe works, we may never be able to know if there is something beyond this universe, that something inside the meta-universe created this one, and how it started. Or if in the meta universe there is a something that influences our universe. For all we know the whole universe including ourselves are a simulation that does not even physically exists in the meta universe. etc.

In any case there is no sense in believing one hypothesis about the start of our universe above another.

Comment Re:Patenting the patents? (Score 1) 174

In fact, my co worker and I has been discussing this half a year ago, and I didn't know Sony or anyone else was thinking about this.
Using both the shutter glasses and Polaroid glasses, idea, it should also work using anaglyph, or any other stereo imaging method. It could even work with WOW TV (lengtingular lenses).

Second part would be able to watch two different videos at the same time, maybe they can make special "couple movies"-dvd, with a romantic movie and an action movie in lock-step, so you can watch with your spouse.

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