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Comment why exactly is this a bad thing for geeks? (Score 1) 185

My mail box (the one by the road, in meatspace) is full of local ads for things I throw away, sometimes the amount of actual paper spam to real mail is 10:1. It's ALREADY bad. All the local grocery stores that know my address by my little card I scan in for discounts, and every little shop in town gives me paper crap.

I drag a garbage can next to my mailbox and keep it there so I can sort faster.

If this catches on, advertisers will stop targetting people with the paper spam (they pay for) without first determining if they have a chance to sell to me.

but.... I block ads, use encryption, avoid a lot of general spyware, and practice safe webbing. What they know about me is based almost solely on amazon, web sites I bought from in the past, and google. meaning I'm gonna get adds for things I already bought, and will instantly toss or targetted ads for geek stuff in ways I don't mind.

I see this as DROPPING the amount of paper that winds up in the round file.

I do however pity the joe sixpack that doesn't know how to ad block, or visits intrusive sites like porn, It's gonna hit this poor guy like an explicitly embarrassing, ad-covered bus.

Comment Re:I love wave (Score 1) 255

Not really no.... It took a little longer than a fast email note, but I built it pretty quick. and I kept dashing in and adding stuff every so often as I went about my day... that's kinda the point. I'd say it might be a multiple of time, but not logarithmic.

I do tend to leave a wave tab open in my browser, so I can see if someone has added stuff or sent me a message... but I'm starting to prefer it over Facebook for most of my "Hey guys, check this out" kinda stuff.

Yeah, there's a lot on wave I want to see an improvement on, but I really like it.

This message on slashdot took me longer to write, than a quick wave I sent to a friend with several pictures and a video on it. mostly due to the annoying way I check the formatting with the preview button.

Comment Re:I love wave (Score 1) 255

no, I'm not... heh. I'm pretty techie. So is my wife. and so were most of the potluck attenders. but it really is pretty easy to do. I live in Seattle, and assist field techs in installing fttp. My wife works for a major RPG company, and half my friends work for big software companies based in Redmond, or big industrial facilities based in Everett.

but the real point here is that my mother in law, ex wife, and several friends are NOT technical, and were able to pick up what we created and use it fine.

as for working for Google... naw, but if they'd offer, I'd consider it.

Comment Re:I love wave (Score 1) 255

I'm using wave to store character sheets, waves for each person detailing all of the rotes they have created,other waves for their background, and lists of "issues"... dice rollers, xp tallies, and most of all... a summary of the gaming sessions. these have pretty much turned into several novels, and are fun to read.

All of the group are tech savvy, very imaginative and wanna-be writers, so its a pretty kick ass game.

we play in person every friday night, and all of us update the wave afterwards.

I do all arete quests and side adventures in wave chat.

I do all my own notes in wave form as well, and I have several master waves, consisting mainly of a collection of links to other waves.

Since I have PDF's of all my ascencion books, I can run the entire game from a a hand held machine if I really wanted to.

Comment I love wave (Score 5, Interesting) 255

last week my wife made a schedule for potluck plans, in a wave.

bulleted list of items, detailed dates and times, some friendly ribbing about doing the dishes, and a lot of things involving many other people.

she included me in the wave, but no one else at first.

some side bar sort of things got added, I sent some funny pics, we added a little "will you attend" applet, deleted the whole dishes thread, added the potluck menu items, and went back and corrected my spelling.

she looked over that, made a few more changes while I was watching this time, then added several other people to the wave.

they then looked at it... MORE side bar conversations happened,the potluck items started including pictures and diet information, and we got a rundown of who was coming.

an hour before the potluck, one person changed his rsvp, and several more people wanted to come, we added them to the wave, they saw the entire thread of events, and picked up complementary things from the store on the way over. we threw in a map. and used a sketching tool to draw on it.

I love wave.

the coolest thing about this is how seemless that all was. My mother in law, and several non-techy neighbors were able to puzzle out the entire thing and add to it with very little problem.

on a completely unrelated series of waves, I'm having political debates, discussing singularity related web-finds and running a hell of a mage game.

Comment hmmph, sensational (Score 4, Informative) 355

From what I gather, they figured out the gene sequence in flatworms for growing another head for a flatworm, and can do so consistently.

Since our genes are similar, they probably can figure out where the genes for growing a human head are, and *might* be able to use that info for regenerating damaged brain tissue

No zaphod's anytime soon.

Comment question (Score 1) 421

I see seventeen wireless networks where I live, each one of theose sees maybe one or two outside the local cluster... Can't we instantly and easily build a software program that creates an ad hoc LAN, then hooks into every unsecure router around it, allowing connection to the WAN from random routers at any given moment making it a nightmare to puzzle out a trail later? I'd continue to pay my current ISP for MY connection, but if I wanted to do something anonymous, what stops me from firing the program up, and connecting to anyone of a dozen routers near me? If you you had the right software, then you could have the unsecure router then connect to yet another router, farther away, before connecting to the net.

On a related note, If we build a big enough base of people doing this, we could probably build a peer to peer network that stretched for miles without ever actually getting onto the net at all, a darknet of epic proportions

Comment okay.... (Score 1) 1100

So the idea here is that a judge will decide what is and is not empirical scientific evidence? Isn't that a lot like asking a pastry chef to fix a design flaw on a mechanical blueprint for a helicopter fuel injector?


Comment Defined. (Score 1) 527

Good: actions that help others at your own expense.

Evil: actions that help yourself by harming others

Stupid: actions that harm others with no benefit to yourself

Intelligent: actions that benefit both yourself and others.

This implies that it's better to act intelligent than good. and better to act evil than stupid.

Comment Here's my check (Score 1) 451

I think we should start mailing checks for 8 1/2 cents....

LOTS of checks.... no particular reason we need to combine them all into one big check, it doesn't cost us anything to mail separate checks.

How much does it cost them to process a check nowadays? 10 cents?

No reason we should have to spend anything on postage either....

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