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Comment Re:Nuclear arms use probable in five years (Score 1) 228

Sure, blame the victim.

Funny how a bunch of drunken retards get a pass for shooting down an airliner they thought was a military transport plane that posed no immediate danger AND covering it up at the same time you condemn the stressed-out/paranoid crew of a warship that felt threatened (even though there was no threat) by an airliner they thought was a fighter aircraft where there was no attempt at a cover up.

Comment Re:$1B in new tax revenue! (Score 1) 164

There are several issues here:

Where should taxation occur? This can be debated, but is not the object of the discussion.

Police brutality: it's shameful and unacceptable, but it's tangentially related, at best. Claiming that taxation caused it is absurd.

Tax evasion: he should've been prosecuted for this, no doubt there. Police reaction was shameful, as I've said, but it doesn't make him innocent.

You are arguing beside the point. Nobody said the cop reacted appropriately and it is frankly irrelevant to the discussion at hand.
tl;dr - strawman

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