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Comment Re:Buy a Mac (Score 1) 554

[Citation Needed]

Up until recently, OS X severely lagged behind Windows in several security features. IIRC, it took Mavericks to bring it up to feature parity (or close). There is nothing about OS X that makes it inherently more secure than Windows.

As for the linked article, moving to a "closed" OS is the cheap and lazy way to protect against some things. The same has long been done on Windows, by the more paranoid admins. It does not solve any underlying issues - if anything, incentives to actively seek out issues are reduced.

Comment Re:Lost opportunity? I doubt it (Score 1) 554

7 runs far better than Vista in limited RAM. Specifically, 7 avoids keeping copies of VRAM contents in main RAM, whenever possible, freeing up room for other stuff.
8 had some more unspecified changes made (specifically due to Windows Phone and Windows RT) to the kernel to help contain memory usage further.

Congratulations for presenting "proof" that doesn't prove anything. User-perceived sluggish behavior is mostly due to slow hard drives not loading stuff quickly enough. 4GB of RAM is more than enough for anything casual (except newer games - but it's silly to run those on a laptop) and the majority of productivity software.

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