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Comment Re:Well (Score 1) 305

um well... I wouldn't say 'just as easily'.
There are waaaay more cell towers than COs.
You could put batteries on all of them but you can't roll a generator out to all of them when the power goes down and you have 6 hours of battery life.

With the copper lines they have battery backup and can prep generator backup while the batteries run down.
during the 'great power outage' a few years ago that shut down the north-east Canada/US power grid for days we had working telephones the entire time.

Comment Re:Well (Score 1) 305

Not needed?
It is an independently powered comms system. It stays up when the power grid goes down, a literally life-saving feature.

Also, the call quality, latency and reliability are still better than the alternatives.

Comment Re:This seems to be a great over-simplification. (Score 1) 289

What is this nonsense about "seeking truth" or winning arguments?

Reason is tool that allows a person to make decisions that lead to effective action.
Effective action leads to surviving and thriving.
Or to put it another way: Reason evolved to get shit done.
Reason does not need to be articulated and frankly rarely is articulated well.

"Rationality allowed a solitary thinker to blaze a path to philosophical, moral and scientific enlightenment"

wow. just. wow.

Comment Re:Nothing to see, move along. (Score 1) 236

I listened to him present his results and you sir are a cynic.
No doubt he had significant help and guidance from his mentor. A project like that is a learning experience.

He demonstrated an understanding of the science involved as well as interest and enthusiasm for the research.
He also worked very hard on it and his efforts are worthy of commendation.

Comment Re:My money is on him winning that science fair. n (Score 1) 236

This *was* in fact part of a science fair of sorts.
I happened to see him presenting to the judges at the NRC here in Ottawa.

His presentation was one of several very impressive science projects.

It was the "Sanofi/Aventis Biotech Challenge", an annual event that calls up science projects from across the country and culminates in a trip to Ottawa and presentations to a panel of judges.

Go Canadian science-interested youth! woot!


Google To Block Piracy-Related Terms From Autocomplete 275

An anonymous reader writes "Google is making changes in the way it presents web search results to try to exclude links that may be tied to pirated content. In a move enthusiastically praised by the RIAA, Google says it will not include terms closely associated with piracy from appearing via autocomplete. The company acknowledged that it can be hard to know what terms are being used to find infringing content, but 'we'll do our best to prevent Autocomplete from displaying the terms most frequently used for that purpose.'"

Comment Re:I changed my attitude completely. (Score 2, Informative) 897

Begging for a job from a big corp is NOT the only option.
It is not even a good option. It may seem like big corps run the economy but they do not! small business is bigger than big business.
More than half of working americans work for small businesses and I would bet that they are the happier half.
Don't settle for a job you hate, working for a faceless corp that doesn't give a sh*t about your welfare. If nobody offers you a job then make one for yourself.

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