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Comment Re:Nothing to see, move along. (Score 1) 236

I listened to him present his results and you sir are a cynic.
No doubt he had significant help and guidance from his mentor. A project like that is a learning experience.

He demonstrated an understanding of the science involved as well as interest and enthusiasm for the research.
He also worked very hard on it and his efforts are worthy of commendation.

Comment Re:My money is on him winning that science fair. n (Score 1) 236

This *was* in fact part of a science fair of sorts.
I happened to see him presenting to the judges at the NRC here in Ottawa.

His presentation was one of several very impressive science projects.

It was the "Sanofi/Aventis Biotech Challenge", an annual event that calls up science projects from across the country and culminates in a trip to Ottawa and presentations to a panel of judges.

Go Canadian science-interested youth! woot!

Comment Re:I changed my attitude completely. (Score 2, Informative) 897

Begging for a job from a big corp is NOT the only option.
It is not even a good option. It may seem like big corps run the economy but they do not! small business is bigger than big business.
More than half of working americans work for small businesses and I would bet that they are the happier half.
Don't settle for a job you hate, working for a faceless corp that doesn't give a sh*t about your welfare. If nobody offers you a job then make one for yourself.

Comment Re:Frame of Reference Problem (Score 1) 454

well, the fact that you need to reach 88mph suggests that whatever mechanism is being used for this time travel is somehow intrinsically linked to the earth's gravitational field.
We know that there is a relationship between space-time and gravity so it is fairly reasonable to presume that gravity fields might be a significant factor in a time travel device's operation... it would also explain the 'spatial problem' of the earth being in a different location at different times. If the nearest significant gravitational space-time distortion is a kind of axis around which a device could swing through time....
I mean... something has to be the base spatial reference... since there is no universal spatial reference point it makes a lot sense to use the closest gravity well.

Comment Re:This is just red meat for the /. crowd (Score 1) 779

It *is* a very reasonable point that he is making.
The growing significance of virtual domains and the significance of the relationships we develop there is a big and growing issue.
It is something we should be thinking about if we want to help shape our future instead of simply going with the flow.

Sadly I doubt the slashdot crowd will be able to get over the ridiculousness of the pope saying this.

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