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Comment FarCry (Score 1) 9

If you want to play a FPS with great story and playability, I'd suggest Metroid:Prime3. Of course, I'd say go get the first two gamecube games and play them so you are entirely into the story and everything in the game, but I'm a metroid fan since the original NES version, so I think its completely and entirely worth it...

Comment That isn't a requirement.... (Score 1) 5

Obviously, in the interest of runtime efficiency, I don't want to use the modulus operator, or a for loop, or a switch statement, or a bunch of ifs ...

Seems like mod + for loop would make for the quickest and easiest code. Why make something complex when there is no requirement to do such a thing? This could be a process that runs on its own machine in the middle of the night where those 'wasted' cpu cycles wouldn't matter...

It's Not the 15th Birthday of Linux 261

Glyn Moody writes "There's been a spate of celebrations of Linux's 15th birthday recently. What they're really marking is the 15th anniversary of version 1.0. But do version numbers matter for free software? The 'release early, release often' approach means there's generally little difference between version 0.99.14z, say, and version 1.0. In fact, drawing attention to such anniversaries is misguided, because it gives the impression that free software is created in the same way as traditional proprietary code, working towards a predetermined end-point according to a top-down plan. So how should we be choosing and celebrating free software's past achievements?"

Comment Re:What's their angle? (Score 1) 20

There jvm is bug filled and error prone... and maybe they feel that websphere is threatened by glassfish?

And the ability to have the specs first and have websphere always being the first app server to apply all the new specs coming out can be a boon to marketshare, especially up against JBoss that is eating into websphere, heavily...

Comment Re:Siiiiiiigh (Score 1) 4

I've been lucky enough to visit Fl during launches twice. You can be as far away as daytona and still see the launch well... totally worth it to go see it :D

Robot Love Goes Bad 101

hundredrabh writes "Ever had a super needy girlfriend that demanded all your love and attention and would freak whenever you would leave her alone? Irritating, right? Now imagine the same situation, only with an asexual third-generation humanoid robot with 100kg arms. Such was the torture subjected upon Japanese researchers recently when their most advanced robot, capable of simulating human emotions, ditched its puppy love programming and switched over into stalker mode. Eventually the researchers had to decommission the robot, with a hope of bringing it back to life again."

Comment Re:No (Score 1) 425

Raw Power

Sorry, but I prefer my power cooked, thanks.

As in, I prefer it to actually be usable. And not to have to use half of it to make up for a lousy GPU.

On the PS3, the Cell (SPUs) are mostly used for:

  • Audio decoding, output & mixing
  • Vertex culling to reduce the load on the woefully underpowered and bandwidth limited GPU
  • Shader patching, again to reduce load on the woefully underpowered and bandwidth limited GPU

Sure, it occasionally does other things, but all of the above are things that the 360 has dedicated hardware to do. Your Cell processor? It's not doing what you think it should be.

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