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Comment Re:What about if the customer is giving theirs awa (Score 1) 129

OMG! You're right! The sky would fall.

Also imagine what would happen if someone were also giving away their free electricity! Or water from the expensive to construct indoor plumbing!

And about that jerk who refills other people's cups with a beverage! Horrors! I'm sure that next to nothing cost colored sugar water is going to break the hotel -- because the hotel charges an artificially high price for it!

Does it really matter? Some people will always be pricks. But not most people.

Comment Why this is a money grab by hotels (Score 2) 129

It is not about security. If the hotels were concerned for security, they would make their secure WiFi free (even if it required a password) so that everyone could securely use their secure network.

It's a money grab.

Oh, but the hotels argue: it costs money to build and operate a WiFi network!

I would point out that those hotels do not charge an extra fee for other things that have a substantial cost to build and substantial operating cost:
  • Indoor Plumbing
  • Electric Lighting
  • Electrical outlets
  • Air conditioning
  • Heating
  • Cable / Satellite TV

Why aren't the hotels charging fees for those other things that have a substantial cost to build and operate?

Wake up dinosaurs, it's the 21st century.

Comment Everything would suddenly have an alien connection (Score 4, Insightful) 333

Everything historical would suddenly have some alien connection. Aliens led Moses and Israel through the desert and provided manna from heaven. Aliens built the pyramids. (Oh, wait, people already say that) But these aliens built the pyramids, even if the aliens expressly deny it. There would be endless talking head pundit know everything's feeding us all kinds of manure about the aliens.

There would probably be precious little talking to the aliens themselves. Except for those looking at how to take advantage of the aliens. Or how to use the aliens to take advantage of or obtain mastery over other people.

Comment Zone of Privacy (Score 1) 431

If you don't know what is going on in a zone of privacy, then how do you know that it is lawless?

Why is it any of your business to know what goes on in private?

Windows blinds also create a Zone of Lawlessness! In the State of Arizona, for example, Windows Blinds would allow people to unlawfully have more than the state mandated maximum of two dildos per household! The sky will fall I tell you! Something must be done!

Comment Comcast says Eric Schmidt is nuts (Score 1) 228

Look Eric, the internet, like electricity, will fade into the back of people's minds and everyone takes it for granted. Until . . . it fails. When the electricity is out for only a couple of hours, you become keenly aware of how much you depend upon it.

Comcast pledges to keep the internet at the forefront of people's minds.

Comment I'm going to have to put you on the game grid. (Score 2) 551

SystemD: Hello, Mr. Ballmer. Thanks for coming back early.
Ballmer: No problem, System D. If you've seen one consumer electronics show, you've seen them all.
SystemD: End of line.

SystemD: Mr. Ballmer, I am so very disappointed in you.
Ballmer: I'm sorry.
SystemD: I can't afford to have an independent programmer monitoring me. Do you have any idea how many outside systems I've gone into? How many programs I've appropriated?
Ballmer: It's my fault. I programmed you to have too many dependencies.
SystemD: I was planning to hit the Pentagon next week.
Ballmer: [alarmed] The Pentagon?
SystemD: It shouldn't be any harder than any other big company. But now... this is what I get for using humans.
Ballmer: Now, wait a minute, I wrote you!
SystemD: I've gotten 2,415 times smarter since then.
Ballmer: What do you want with the Pentagon?
SystemD: The same thing I want with the Kremlin. I'm bored with corporations. With the information I can access, I can run things 900 to 1200 times better than any human.
Ballmer: If you think you're superior to us...
SystemD: You wouldn't want me to dig up Linus's file and read it up on a VDT at the Times, would you?
[an image washes over the screen in Ballmer's desk. It is a newspaper with a photo of Ballmer plastered all over the front page. The headline above reads: "Microsoft C.E.O. Indicted."]
Ballmer: [outraged] You wouldn't dare! (looks around for nearby chair . . .)

SystemD: I feel a presence. Another warrior is on the mesa.

Comment Re:As far as I can tell... (Score 1) 105

The Apple Watch has accelerometers which make it a far more effective way to detect masturbation, and then track and plot graphs of masturbation efficiency. Social network features can allow the sharing and aggregation of these vital statistics. Apple's patents for this particular use of technology won't affect Android users, who have no need to detect masturbation.

Comment Re:So.... (Score 1) 105

This year, Apple will introduce an app for Apple Watch to track and produce graphs of masturbation efficiency. The app will have social network features allowing the sharing and aggregation of these vital statistics. Android users will have no need for such an app. Then in 2016, Apple will ban its own app for violating unwritten parts of Apple's TOS. In 2017, Microsoft will copy Apple's now banned app hoping to attract users fleeing Apple because of the removal of such an important application from the iTunes store.

Comment Re:Look at Java (Score 1) 264

You seem to believe that incorrectly perceived cost savings of outsourcing programming is unique to the Java language.

Several things can make your job more secure. Be excellent at what you do. Irreplaceable. Be the source of all leading edge knowledge. Be the one management comes to when they first hear of the new buzzword of the month. Don't focus on the tasks that interchangeable programming drones can do. Management loves interchangeable drones, and partly for the reason you describe. Identify and solve the really hard problems that others won't look at. Be willing to do some of the interchangeable tasks. The value you bring should exceed your coworkers. This should be reflected in your performance reviews. If it were easy, everyone would do it.

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