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Comment Re:Space is too big for battles (Score 1) 409

But at the sort of distances involved, your target for any sort of physical contact weapon would have so much warning that their usefulness would be small.

There's sort of a solution for that too, though. If you're already launching projectiles large enough to really damage the enemy (or payloads large enough to do the same) you might as well launch a whole salvo of them. In that case, since maneuvering is so difficult, you send a few around where they'll be without any course corrections, and a few (hundred? thousand?) more to where they could possibly be with corrections. The plan is, effectively, to call "checkmate" upon initially firing at the enemy. Which means then it's a game of "who can spot the other guy first." Which would lead to very little space warfare and more to highly-protected and entrenched enclaves.

Comment Re:Oh! "We're Very Sorry"?! (Score 2) 235

Is that like when media companies "lose revenue" to piracy because someone else's actions result in them getting less money than they think they deserve?

That's a poor analogy between the two. A better one would be if pirates, instead of copying music/movies, literally kidnapped all the actors/performers.

Comment Re:Considering I fly multiple times a month (Score 1) 336

That's certainly true, I suppose airplanes may actually be fairly crappy cages. However, I still suspect they're more effective than your average car.

I understand wifi is heavily affected by even moderate speeds such as those from a car on a freeway. Is cellular technology similarly affected? If so, the speed of the plane could have a large impact. Beyond that, are they perhaps actively jamming cell signals? Because I've never been able to pick up a signal above a few thousand feet from a commercial airliner.

Comment Re:Are these devices that important? (Score 5, Insightful) 336

I fly all the time and have never once been asked to stow a book, including one I am actively reading.

Furthermore, they require the devices be OFF rather than simply stowed. If my phone is turned off and I can demonstrate it, they don't care if it's sitting in my hands and I'm playing with it, ineffectually pressing buttons and making wooshing sounds as I fly it around my immediate airspace. I say this from first-hand experience.

Which by process of elimination leaves...d) outdated paranoia?

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