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Comment Re:Find a new series (Score 1) 321

Science can explain a lot and not ruin it, poor writing however can ruin any movie.

So here's my problem with midichlorians. So science discovered they exist and that they are symbiotic with all life. This is common fact and everyone knows it and knows that is the driving factor behind the Force. That makes the Jedi less 'religious' and more just engineers. Little organisms, it's all explained and measured, these guys use it (why wouldn't a majority of people? who knows).

And then the Empire takes over, everyone forgets about these things and now being a Jedi is some ancient hokey religion based on belief but often rewarded? It's not only inconsistent, but it takes away from the magic of the force.

Way to ruin the Force for me.

Comment Re:Hybrid (Score 1) 625

I don't think he is saying that a tablet isn't a PC. In fact, it technically is even without a monitor. I assume you meant in that case it's a desktop PC, which I think was his point as well.

Since you said PC and not just desktop PC I was thinking, when will we move past personal computers? I haven't given much thought, but it has to be when the computer isn't personal anymore, but your account is. Would people ever be comfortable using any dumb public terminal but carrying tiny drives or authentication sticks with you? I forsee this as an alternative to personal computing, but no sure how likely it actually is. If everything were to move to the cloud you could just plug in something you carry around on your keyring. Or storage gets to be so small then that's what you carry with you.

Not sure what could change what you use at home at all. Unless at home you just have the keyboard+monitor and a fast wireless connection and you connect to the fast super cloud. That wouldn't be a PC.

Not sure any of these are happening anytime soon....or at all. But what is a non-personal computer?

Comment Re:Shut up Notch (Score 1) 303

Actually, from steam you also get marketing. And it's only 30% of what you sell on there, not all venues, so it opens up a new market to you I'd say that's worth it. I'm willing to bet there are companies out there spending at least 30% on marketing. And it's pretty great marketing if that's your target audience. Just saying, I wouldn't count that as "little value beyond a billing system and content hosting".

On Steam you'd know if there were a Sequel or DLC coming out for a game that popular. And it's not 30% of all their sales, just sales made on steam, which still gets the word out to your buddies that may not have used steam to buy the game in the first place.

Comment Re:Maybe it is time to create the Slashdot Party?? (Score 1) 302

A party that can't agree on anything except what happens in Soviet Russia...

I dunno, at least we'd all get our chance to say something, since we'd constantly dupe the same issues over and over.
"I think we should repeal the license plate tracking!"
"We just did that!"
"Well okay, as long as we agree....good week guys!"

Comment Renewable energy, risks (Score 1) 589

I sometimes think about this when Solar is brought up, because the effects to me aren't as obvious, but whenever solar is talked about, people say a benefit is we're using the sun's renewable energy instead of using a finite amount of energy found in the earth, as if there is almost infinite energy from the sun. I'm not sure I agree with this. Yes we can measure oil right now but to think we have infinite solar energy I think is short-sighted. Of course I could be wrong.

What I'm trying to get at is, the sun transmits a certain amount of sunlight to the earth a day (Wiki is quoted as saying 174 Petawatts). About 30% of that gets reflected back into space. Sweet. But the Earth has been used to having that other 70% naturally, for plants, animals, weather. If we were to only harness that 30%, great (Cause...fuck space!). But how much energy can we steal from our closed system of earth before we start to see it in local flora and fauna? In weather patterns? Obviously with a scale of 174 Petawatts it isn't a concern right now, but couldn't it be a concern some day? If you know this is already answered, I'd gladly check it out, I'm curious what studies have been done for this. I guess my point is, there's also a potential negative effect for Solar that can't be ignored forever. Or can it?

Comment Re:Why the maximum password length? (Score 1) 368

Not that this is evidence of them storing in Plaintext, like at all, but I too was thinking about whether or not they were storing it in plain text...when I was creating my account and entering my password and my security question. When my security question contained the same word as my password (albeit different cases and one has numbers) I got the error "Your password and your secret answer can't contain any of the same words. Enter a different password or a different secret answer."

I was curious and after creating the account I just went in to change my security question to have the same word as my password again and I got the same error "Your password and your secret answer can't contain any of the same words. Enter a different password or a different secret answer." Now the cases are different, so we know they're not hashing to the same value (since part of their password policy is that it's case sensitive) so they're either in plaintext, or interpreting it so they can compare it, or lying about it being case sensitive. I'm not super happy about either of these choices. Note: I did not have to enter my password on this page.

Either way, could be worth someone looking into...

Comment Re:I see this not working well... (Score 1) 388

The problem with traffic circles to most Americans is that the only place we ever really experience them is in cities where traffic is already Fscked. The one or two I've ever run into in rural areas are actually quite pleasant. If you mostly experience circles in Washington DC and nothing else, well...without research what would your feelings tell you about them?

Okay the elephant in the room is that most people drive like a constipated monkey (are they feeling the pressure and taking it extra slow? or is it an emergency and time is of the essence?).

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