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User Journal

Journal Journal: Update on my absence 12

Break down of events:

-I resigned from my job.
(EDIT: On good terms. We had a party the day I left, and my supervisor made me a shirt. It was difficult leaving, but I knew I would do so before I even started, and they knew so too. I will not, however, return to the same position, although I have no regrets of working there.)
-Left the east coast.
-I am back in school finishing one of my degrees.
(EDIT: As I knew I would, so this is not a case of my freaking


Journal Journal: A beautiful, but scary thing happened. 13

Let me preface this by saying that I think I have become addicted to walking/hiking. That said, it was pouring outside today and I, being antsy and wanting to visit my deer friends that I always, without fail, see on my walks, just had to go walking.

User Journal

Journal Journal: A rant -- someone stole something from me 6

Note: This letter was constructed here as a way of letting off some steam, and has not and will not be sent. So, please note that the sarcasm and such that I speak with is only for my benefit here, and the actual letter I sent was addressed to the editor and was more on the level of "Someone posted content without permission, so please remove it." That said, I give you my rant:

Dear inconsiderate college student,

User Journal

Journal Journal: FotoKon Guesses Version 3 19

My guesses so far. Apologies for mis-spelled usernames. Yes, I lifted some of the guesses from other people's guesses. :)

User Journal

Journal Journal: Something Good 7

Inspired by misia's livejournal entry, I ask you:

Tell me something good.

Comment Dell is not an R&D Company (Score 0) 285

But what does a company built around making inexpensive PCs know about HDTVs?

Answer - Nothing. Dell printers are Lexmark. Dell Notebooks are Acer. Dell plasmas are probably BenQ's or some other cheap import brand with their name on them.

Dell = Excellent marketing company. Excellent PC company, if you count sticking together other companies motherboards and processors as manufacturing. But you can't have your finger in all pieces of the pie at once. They would go broke actually opening a factory for every new product line they delve into.

R&D Department? Dell's R&D per percentage of sales is a fraction of that compared to IBM or HP.

Am I bashing Dell? Hell no, I wish I owned some stock.

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