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Comment Re:Seems simple to explain when you pair it with (Score 1) 391

The data showed drops in logic and vocabulary (known as verbal reasoning), visual problem solving and analogies (known as matrix reasoning), and computational and mathematical abilities (known as letter and number series) ....."[S]cores in spatial reasoning (known as 3D rotation) followed the opposite pattern, trending upward over the 12-year period."

I would posit that the decrease in quality of education in the formative years could be responsible for the verbal reasoning drop.. and we all know how much all mathematical abilities have plummeted in society.. However, the increase in the spatiial reasonong could well be due to the current craze in video gaming.

Comment Re:First post! (Score 1) 136

Although it feels a bit "unnatural" to be eating factory grown meat, I'm sure I could get over any reservations I have if it would mean the end of current poultry farming practices . It's that or give up meat altogether.. which I've already been considering.

Comment Re:will be thrown out, this guy is a moron (Score 1) 84

OK.. hires a robot called "DoNotPay" for cut rate services .. and *3 times* as well so he must have been happy the first 2 times.. but then complains that he got what he paid for .. I'm not sure that an app created to fight parking tickets would ever be described as a lawyer..
But they're not selling it as one either.. Anybody else would have sussed that out!

Comment Re: And another of the covid lies goes down. (Score 1) 282

It's irrelevant because there's no evidence it escaped from the lab

There's a bunch of evidence. There's no conclusive evidence, sure, but that's why we're still looking for more evidence either way.

Well, there'd probably be more evidence but while the chinese were stalling the world they were , apparently, shredding tons of documents at the lab.

Comment Re:The buyers is already in contact with the owner (Score 1) 222

It relies upon the owner reporting the Mac to Apple as stolen. So thieves will benefit by whatever rate owners fail to do so.

Unlike the alternative where the buyer has the owner unlock, reset to factory, and has a Mac prompting for an Apple ID to configure (lock) the system with.

And expecting Apple to contact the original owner is ridiculous. (1) They are not part of the transaction. They already provide a solution, factory reset. (2) The buyer is already in contact with the supposed owner.

Yeah, OK.. So thieves will benefit if the owner neglects to report the Macbook stolen. So how is this a problem? If the owner is too stupid, or lazy, to bother reporting it then it's their own fault for what follows. I doubt that this would happen very often, though...

Comment Re:Masks for freedom from facial recognition (Score 1) 296

--This deserves to go viral, and the venue should be sued down to their socks for pulling this bullshit. The lawyer that was targeted had nothing to do with any active cases against them, and this " guilt by association " garbage is a slippery slope.

--Even if they refunded her money, her night was ruined for no good reason and she was unable to see the entertainment that she legit paid for. They should be publicly shamed over this and forced to stop the facial recognition as an invasion of privacy.

I completely agree. and I guess that's why there's a case against them in the first place, if that's how they deal with the public. This is poor public relations.

Comment Seriously?? (Score 1) 272

They call it " the healthiest consumer lending environment on record" simply because more people who can't afford to borrow money have been taking out loans? Excuse me but that sounds like "the STUPIDEST consumer lending environment on record". If those people were so poor that they couldn't afford to borrow money they should have been given funds to get by, not loaned them.. unless they borrowed it for something like a flashy car or a trip to Vegas, in which case they get whatever bad karma comes their way.. Also needs to be said that because the lending industry bypassed biblical principles like the 7 year relief of all debts, they're also going to suffer.. Just saying..

Comment Re:All for this (Score 1) 406

Yeah.. of course it won't pass. What Disney wants, and all the other big corps.. is eternal copyright.. that will *never* expire.. They'll never give away *anything*. Anything less is unacceptable to them. I'd say it's a moot point anyways.. all the search engines now block music and movie sharing sites. Think maybe the "good ol days" are good an gone....

Comment Re:All or Nothing? (Score 1) 278

Wish I could mod this up, but it's already as high as it'll go.. and with good reason. It understands the requirements of the various components, and also realizes that a corporation has to start somewhere to clean up it's image. It's better than nothing, and it's a start..

Comment Once a KGB agent.. always a KGB... (Score 1) 91

Well, he did a good job pretending to support democracy over the previous years... had a lot of us fooled.. but now it's pretty clear he's reintroducing his brand of communism back again...
If so he not only made fools of us but of all those who believed the Marian prophecies where "Russia would be converted and be the light of the world".
Clearly that's never going to happen... OK so maybe y'all don't believe religious prophecies but millions around the world do. And they're all wrong now.. I wonder how this will all play out.

Comment Re:Hell no! (Score 1) 458

It's not illegal.

There is an executive prohibition against assassination on behalf of the United states, meaning anyone we may employ or ask to do so, including our own military, contractors, or mercenaries.

Putin can do this, because he is famously not beholden to the rules of the Executive department of the US Government.

With regard to international law, there's absolutely no restriction against blowing a motherfucker up.

There are, however, restrictions against luring them out with promises of peace and such, and then killing them.

Really? The US has done it many many times .. Remember Khadafy? And obviously against several high level terrists.. or is it not assassination if it's a terrorist? I doubt it's ever been followed, once, if there really is such an executive prohibition..

Comment Huh? Am I missing something? (Score 1) 294

Since when did loyalty to the US constitution deem one as a "far right militant" ? As far as I understand the principle of Oath Keepers, it was basically soldiers and officers who made an oath to not obey *illegal* orders, or ones that violate the constitution.. If in fact that is now considered subversive, then y'all down there are in a whole lot more trouble than you claim. I think that action on the capitol was just plumb dumb, but that shouldn't tar the basic tenets of the oath keepers.
  Ask any durvivor of a communist country what he sees happening in America, and they'll agree it's exactly how it was at the start of totalitariism in their country.
Just saying..

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