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Comment Re:Thanks for the tip! (Score 1) 448

If you can't come back with at least one example of a red flag you might want to work on your communication skills.

Seriously, a guy asks you what you are seeing that are red flags to a scam, and all you basically say is that if he can't see them that's his problem.

I don't really see much in that link you posted. Other than his odd explanation for not having much of an online presence it sounds legit.

Comment Re:Here's an idea... (Score 1) 394

So you really are a newbie aren't you. See when people cut the cord, they buy a real antenna which is mounted on the roof, and get a rotator and a preamp. They also might buy a dvr to record TV, which they would keep on in order to record the program.

I have a roof mount antenna with no rotator or preamp and get every channel broadcast in my area.

I also don't have a dvr. Part of me "cutting the cord" was to stop consuming so much stupid content on TV. Having a DVR that always has shows recorded I need to watch doesn't help that.

But I guess you think you know how everyone lives. Wow.

Comment Re:Bets, anyone? (Score 3, Insightful) 431

Most Ford, GM and Chrysler's are made of parts manufactured overseas and shipped into the US where they are then assembled into the final product. Source, my dad worked at a GM assembly plant where most of the parts were shipped in from either Canada or Mexico.

So your source that most parts are manufactured overseas is that they came from Canada or Mexico?

Comment Re:People pay for music? (Score 3, Insightful) 364

So now evil is "If you do not like our terms then we will stop doing business with you."?

It depends on who's saying this. If you have a lot of other options you can go somewhere else. If the company saying this controls the vast majority of the market and is effectively blacklisting you, that certainly isn't good.

There are still alternatives to Google's service so it's not evil for them to say this, but I think the feeling behind the GP's post is concern that Google is rapidly getting to the point where they will have too much information and control over markets.

Comment Re:I can't buy one (Score 1) 377

Yup, I guess I should have said the hybrid synergy drive cars don't have a conventional transmission, but a CVT. It just further rebuts geekoid's claim that hybrids don't need to replace all these normal car parts, when they have all the same parts, plus new batteries, electronics, and a motor.

Comment Re:I can't buy one (Score 1) 377

If you are replacing a transmission in 7 to 10 years, you are doing something wrong or got a lemon of a transmission. It's not uncommon to get 250,000 miles on an original transmission. Some hybrids still have transmissions, The Hybrid Synergy Drive cars don't. Brakes are still a thing on hybrid cars, but regenerative braking takes a lot of wear off of them. Every hybrid still has an ICE (generally just smaller ones) so things like oil changes, spark plugs, etc. still need to be taken care of.

If you want to talk about full electric cars, then you have a point about not worrying about many of these issues. As I see it hybrids generally just combine the maintenance requirements of two types of cars together.

Comment Re:rumor is dems voted for him (Score 1) 932

Cantor is not necessarily out of the race yet. He could always run a write-in campaign. If the cause of his losing this primary was a lot of voter apathy (low turn-out) or Democrats crossing over to vote for who they perceived to be a weaker candidate, there could be a lot of people that would write him in.

See Sen. Lisa Murkowski's last election when she lost the primary to a tea party candidate and successfully won the general election as a write-in candidate.

Comment Re:gullwing doors (Score 1) 136

A Chevy Tahoe is one of the few modern SUVs that don't fit what you are saying. They are still made on a full size truck chassis. So unless you're going to tell me Chevy Silverado Trucks have no off road capabilities, the Tahoe doesn't fit your rant.

The majority of other SUVs don't have the same kind of truck based chassis and are basically minivans.

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