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Comment Re:This is the whole problem (Score 2) 122

I didn't say that I am the arbiter of all things good and bad. I merely pointed out that when there was something to lose by publishing nonsense or worse, there was a lot less of it around. Now there's nothing to lose, so people say whatever dumb or malicious thing comes to mind.

Yes, each of us has to decide which posts are good and which are bad, but the problem is that too many stupid people are unable to do so accurately, hence pizza-gate, etc. Antisocial media is inherently anticivilization. It caters to and amplifies malevolence and stupidity over reason and benevolence.

Stupid/bad people deserve to live comfortable, healthy lives like everyone else, though some whose malevolence crosses the line to criminality may require punishment and rehabilitation. They should not be allowed to run things because they are stupid/bad and will muck it up, a classic example is the person currently sitting in the oval office (and many in the house, senate, and supreme court). Those people should be encouraged to become educated, develop critical thinking skills, and learn the fundamentals of living in a civil society such as getting along with others who have different surnames and skin colors.

Comment This is the whole problem (Score 1, Insightful) 122

Back before there was an internet and antisocial media, people with strong opinions sent letters to newspaper editors in hopes of getting published on an opinion page. The newspaper editors didn't allow profanity, poor grammar, or nutty stuff to bring down the world's opinion of their esteemed newspaper. Stupid people had no voice and they didn't deserve one. There was no question about whether a published article was opinion or news (based on facts, not "alternative facts") because it was put on an editorial page, separate from the news.

Antisocial media has no editors and no formatting. Anyone can post anything they want on any subject using any language they choose, and the idiots who read it are too stupid to know the difference between news, opinion, and advertising. Antisocial media caters to the lowest of the low and gives them a voice they do not deserve. It puts stupid people and con men on the same level as the educated people with good intentions. One need look no further than the crass, hateful, incompetent, racist, grifter temporarily occupying the White House and all of our minds to see the damage it is doing to our once great society.

Abandon social media. It is as radioactive as an old joke.

Comment The developer's other works (Score 1) 198

One of the "inventors" of the device, Dr. Ilija Lakicevic, Res. Prof., was published in a journal called "International Journal of Science and Research", October 2019.
Here's is his paper from from that prestigious journal:
Here's another interesting paper by a different author, in the same issue of that journal, that explains time itself:
And in this paper: you will learn that the true value of pi is the square root of 10.

With such powerful minds publishing in such prestigious scientific journals, how can you doubt the veracity of claims about the 5Gbioshield?
What's wrong with you?

Comment Great! Just what the world needs. (Score 4, Insightful) 65

It sounds like a system for training future employees of Amazon, Apple, Google, etc.

Eventually, everyone will work for one of those companies. No more borders. Just one world ruled by a few corporations until they go to war with each other. Eventually one will prevail. And all will be well.

Why the hell does Apple come to mind the minute anyone says "design"? Apple has had maybe 3 or 4 guys who design products, and what did they come up with? A rectangular slab with rounded corners. Doh! That's the first 3D object every CAD student learns to make when they are introduced to the filleting tool. So 10000 people per year will be "design" students at the Stanford/Apple university? What are they all going to do for a living when they finish school, even at Apple?

Comment But but but but... (Score 1) 165

what about all those poor coal miners with black lung or silicosis and poor or no insurance coverage who want their children to know the joy of working in a mine and suffering a similar fate? Think of the children! Who will stand up for them?

Shut down wind, solar, hydroelectric, and geothermal NOW!

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