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Comment Re:Laptop hard drives (Score 1) 251

If you store the data encrypted and something happens to you, the files are worthless to someone else, maybe a family member, who might enjoy/benefit from their availability. Have you put the encryption key in your will / living will, or already given it to people close to you so they will be able to access your stuff when you're gone or incapacitated? Or are the files only for your own eyes?

Comment Re:I'm surprised we aren't hearing more from the b (Score 1) 562

You've never heard of the citizen's united supreme court decision? Corporations are people and money is free speech. Corporations can give as much as they want to any politician or party they choose.

Spying and security problems at corporations are directly related. If data was kept encrypted until it is used, including the data I voluntarily give corporations, they'd have fewer hackers stealing credit card data type security breaches and it would be harder for industrial espionage to take place. It would also be harder for governments, foreign and domestic, to intercept communications.

The problem now is that no one can trust any encryption because you can't be sure the NSA hasn't already put back doors into it. If someone comes along and claims they have encryption that the NSA can't bust, how are they going to prove it?

Comment I'm surprised we aren't hearing more from the big (Score 3, Insightful) 562

corporations that control the government. They are the ones paying real money to prevent and remedy security breaches. It seems it would be in their best interests to have strong encryption to prevent a lot of expensive problems, yet they seem unusually quiet on the subject.

The terrorists will always find a way to communicate in secret. Eliminating secure encryption will simply raise the cost of secure communication for them. Meanwhile the rest of us will be left with our asses showing.

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