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Comment Miles Driven Will Go Up (Score 5, Interesting) 648

I think if these take off (and I hope they will) we'll see a substantial increase in miles driven. Not just from people sending their cars back home to get someone else (it will be a while before they allow unoccupied driverless cars, I imagine), but from trips which were previously too tedious. If I can come home from work on Friday evening, get in my self driving car with the family, and wake up in Orlando or Cape Cod, I'm much more likely to take such trips over a weekend. I bet it would double the miles I put on in a year; if everyone was doing that type of thing, it'd put a big strain on gasoline supplies. Hopefully their introduction will tie in to increases in efficiency.

Comment Hmmm (Score 4, Informative) 488

I can't readily find any data just for Israel, but I find the law's author's assertion that "We also know that the first cause of death in the age group of 15-24 is anorexia" to be highly suspect. In the US, 46% of deaths ages 15-24 are accidents (33% motor vehicles), then there's homicide, suicide, cancer & other illnesses. Anorexia is nowhere near the top as a cause of death. Israelis have cars and murders and cancer just like Americans (ok, probably less cars & murders, but still); I find it hard to believe that their stats are terribly different.
The article itself says that mortality rates are 4% for anorexia, which is bad, but surely all the 10% with eating disorders she cites don't have anorexia?

Comment Re:Expressing the wrong concern? (Score 1) 350

If you're leaving your photos on flash-cards and websites in the first place, then that's your fundamental problem.

Absolutely right. At the very least you should back up originals to a DVD or something. My photos are the most important (to me) thing on my hard drive, I make sure I back them up to a couple of drives regularly.

Comment Re:Why print photos? (Score 1) 350

I agree; every once in a while I go through and pick out the best pictures, and order a bunch of photo books for the grandparents/aunts/uncles. Snapfish & Shutterfly have easy templates, I'm sure Costco does too. I haven't bothered with normal prints for a while now, the books are so much better.
Go to Retailmenot & you're bound to find a deal on at least one of the photo printing sites. Any one of them is easier than printing yourself, and probably cheaper too.

Comment Re:Bad enough I pay for microtransactions in MMO's (Score 1) 734

The only reason I eventually switch back to Windows is Netflix and its silverlight addiction, which, by the way, will also not use GPU to accelerate HD video.

I find Netflix/Silverlight so jerky on my Ion HTPC that I don't bother with it; I use my Blu-ray player 99% as a Netflix streamer. I kept hoping they'd fix Silverlight, but I don't see it happening now.
I haven't had issues with VLC, though.

Comment Re:The Name (Score 0) 737

Yeah, the name is weak. The one time I installed it for a user at work, he happened to be handicapped and was like "what are you trying to say here?" Fortunately he has a sense of humor & wasn't too bothered by it, but still it's not a good thing.

Comment Re:Change Windows version (Score 1) 282

That's actually what I like about the newer versions - the UI elements are reduced to about as minimal as possible. I don't really want skins & curves, I want as much as possible of my screen to be devoted to the pages I'm using & as little as necessary to the UI. If I were using the menu items all the time I'd re-enable the menu bar, but I'm happier with all the UI stuff in a little sliver at the top. Ctrl-P to print & I'm good.

Comment Vanity Site? (Score 1) 43

I have a vanity site with thousands of photos & videos. I have always just used a script + imagemagick & ffmpg to get things to a useable set of html files, but I keep hoping that there will be someting easier. Can anyone tell me if this would be a good way to dump a bunch of jpgs & video files to a directory & have all the pretty stuff happen in the background? I'm not interested in the social side so much, but I have yet to find anything which can handle large batches of files in a way that I'm happy with.

Comment Re:And nobody cares.... (Score 1) 185

Having set up and run a small BES install... what it does is do the push email really really well. As in, even though the BES was running on a slow old W2K server, the mail would show up on the BB before Outlook had a chance to get it. And it always works.
Having said that, I imagine that we'll have moved away from it entirely within a year. Any contracts that come up, people are switching to the iphone. They love 'em. When you go from a Curve to a 4S, it's an enormous leap in terms of usability, and the email works well enough.

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