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Submission + - Modern Java web development

Dr.X writes: "I've recently decided to take the plunge back into the Java world after spending the better part of the last decade in the Perl and .NET world. As part of my CompSci degree, we covered Java applets back in the late nineties in one of our courses but taking a look at what is available today is like drinking from a fire hose of information! JSP,JSF,Eclipse,Struts,Spring,Hibernate,GWT,EJB3,J DBC,J2EE,JBoss,Servlet,etc... My question to the slashdot community is "What are some of the more practicle approaches to modern Java web development and how does all this new technology fit together?""

Submission + - Igaro CMS Open Sourced

Anonymous Coward writes: "TYNE & WEAR, UK — APRIL 03, 2007 — Igaro Ltd, a supplier of web management technologies today announced the open-source of its premier development software to the general public.

Igaro software allows web developers to develop high-end web sites using a framework developed over four years. Multiple packages and modules cater for the most common requirements and web sites can be developed for any functionality, in any language and in any design. Unlike other web management technology Igaro relies on exceptional engineering to deliver military-grade security, real-time performance and differentiated delivery of content, resources and functionality.

The decision to open-source Igaro was taken by director Andrew Charnley after consultation with clients and several web development companies. In order to become more transparent and to fully demonstrate the power of Igaro to new parties, the need to purchase Igaro before previewing and testing is no longer a requirement. Now companies, government and corporations can see the benefits of Igaro for themselves.

In order to facilitate this policy change Igaro Ltd will no longer develop web sites and will focus on supporting clients and promoting the benefits of using Igaro over other web management software.

Igaro's web site; http://www.igaro.com/ has been changed to encompass new licensing options and has opened up Community Forums for discussion and debate.

To download Igaro please visit: http://www.igaro.com/?content_read;id=100
For further information and support on Igaro please see: http://www.igaro.com/?content_read;id=38"

Comment Re:Luck favors the prepared (Score 1) 247

Similar story: final exam for my very first programming class (undergraduate CS degree) : Pascal (granted, this is long ago). Very tough course, the professor was a maniac. We're allowed to bring in any documentation we want to the exam.

The summer before, I had worked in a book distributor's warehouse. They were going to destroy slightly defective books, and gave us all a chance to pick up any book we wanted out of those piles. I took all the computer books they had, inlcuding a Pascal book. So I show up to the exam with the textbook, whatever notes I had, and that one extra book.

There is no way anyone can finish this exam withing the allocated time. There's just too many questions, and long ones too. I finish the easier questions first, then try to decide which one to tackle next. One of the tougher ones is about doubly-linked lists, sorting, and some other stuff. Flipping through the extra book I have, I find the exact same question as an exercise, with the answer. Jackpot! I ended up with a 57%, while the average was around 35%. Nice!

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