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Comment Re:You should teach her English (Score 1) 185

As another imperialist pig who's not a native English speaker (Romanian in this case), I strongly recommend getting her used to the English keywords.
An important part of learning programming is going through documentation on your own, and most documentation worth a damn is in English.
Mind, i first started with machine code/assembly language when i was 10-ish, and that has no connection with any language known by humans :)

Comment I'm a minority, kill me now (Score 4, Interesting) 320

But the iPhone 4 is just the right size for me. The 5 feels already too long. I'm worried that if Apple jumps on the 'my phone is bigger than your phone' bandwagon I'll be left with no replacement, as all the Android small phones are el cheapo versions with slow hardware.
Btw, I'm male, and I don't have particularly small hands. I can reach around a 4-4.3" screen with one hand, I just don't want one.

Comment It's possible, but not on freelancing sites (Score 1) 257

freelancer/rentacoder are there if you want to starve. And I say that as a Romanian programmer who works in theory cheaper than USers. Maybe I do, but not *that* cheap.
If you network, you will end up with side projects without even asking for them. Someone you know will need just a little help on some project, someone you know from a previous job will contact you to tie up a loose end, or do something simple, etc etc.
From personal experience, my holiday expenses for the last 3 years have been paid from money made outside the day job.

Comment Re:I am a Linux gamer, X-mas LAN party (Score 1) 503

I think your problem here is that you have no gaming machines, and even if you install windows you will get crap performance even if the games work at all.
As some other people here say, I've been running WoW with no hassle in linux for the better part of 5 years until i got so bored i didn't even look at the latest expansion.
Do you have a PC with non integrated graphics? ;)

Comment And who cares? (Score 4, Interesting) 470

Meanwhile, no matter the hardware specs, iOS will keep being more responsive and iOS phones will keep getting software updates for years after launch. Clock speed and number of cores has stopped being relevant even in phones (it's not really relevant on the desktop any more as well) already.
Note: i've owned two Android phones before switching to iOS.

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