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Comment Re:Open Source drivers? (Score 1) 134

I favour commercial games under wine. With the NVidia binary drivers, a lot of them work well. Anecdotically, back when I was playing World of Warcraft I had better performance on Linux with Wine than on Windows :)
Open source games are unfortunately just NES-era clones and multiplayer-only shooters. Open source can do much better than commercial at infrastructure type software, but the same doesn't go when making a coherent entertainment experience...

Comment Re:Car repair shop for me (Score 4, Interesting) 310

As for most unusual circumstances, about 15 years ago me and the owner (and also programmer) of the company i was working for at the time fixed in 15 minutes a bug that neither of us had been able to fix in the last 2 weeks sober. It was 3 am and we were both dead drunk as we were celebrating someone's birthday at the office :)

Comment In other news... (Score 4, Insightful) 157

My 2 year old Ivy Bridge Core i7 is fast enough, and will be fast enough for the foreseeable future with no overclocking. Neither Intel nor AMD will get any money from me for at least 3 more years ;)
Last time an overclock was meaningful for me was when I had a Pentium 1 at 233 Mhz. The bus was 66 Mhz, and that was the ram speed as well. Upping it to 250 Mhz on a 100 Mhz bus (remember back when multipliers went in 0.5 steps?) speed greatly improved the overall responsiveness of the system.

Comment Re:UF***D (Score 2) 123

What do you mean "did not install it correctly"? Isn't it Ubisoft's responsability to make sure there is no wrong way of installing it? If there is a right way and a wrong way to install UPlay, it means that their QA failed completely. IF they had any QA.

Comment So you haven't learned yet? (Score 2) 123

Do not touch UPlay and Origin. They're Steam clones done on the lowest budget possible and basically do not work. Personally I prefer GoG style distribution, but Steam is at least functional most of the time.
And for whoever said you should buy Ubisoft games on console, there are comments on the related Eurogamer article mentioning UPlay problems on the PS4. Sounds like you need that piece of shit even on a console now, which basically rules out ever touching their games.

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