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Comment Re:Greed! (Score 1) 281

Why don't the copyright-holders publish lyrics for everything on the web themselves? Then they'd kill demand for other lyrics sites and get ad revenues.

Because if the Sony rootkit fiasco is any indication, you'd probably get a drive-by virus if you land on their lyric site. Sony has already demonstrated that major labels are hostile to P2P consumers and I would never trust any lyric website hosted by a major label.

Comment The press has turned on the administration (Score 1, Interesting) 289

The Obama administration is paranoid obsessive about controlling the press and spouting half-truths, and career journalists have branded Obama as the least accessable president they have ever encountered.

Sure they like to flout that Obama has conducted more interviews than any president before him. But Obama intentionally selects outlets where he can evade scrutiny. His "interviews" have largely been on entertainment shows. When preparing for the precious few press interviews, Obama selects journalists who are least likely to challenge him. The administration exploits social media and prepared videos/press releases to evade scrutiny. At his "press conferences" in the WH he abruptly leaves the podium after delivering his prepared statements to ignore journalists trying to confront him with questions. WH spokesman Jay Carney shows an evasive disposition that has resulted in increasing confrontation from an increasingly skeptical and frustrated press.

Obama has admitted that he intends to punish his political enemies. Intimidation, harassment, and retaliation are tools frequently deployed, witness the IRS singling out conservative groups and other federal agencies targetting businesses and individuals who have either criticized the administration or contributed funding to opposition movements. Dr. Ben Carson was endured his first ever IRS audit less than four months after delivering a speech critical of the administration, with a visibly steaming Obama sitting two seats away from him. The Rev Billy Graham was audited after he endorsed Mitt Romney during the 2012 campaign.

Obama had the mainstream press in his pocket until they learned of his betrayal when the DoJ ordered the search of phone records of Associated Press organizations. Their eyes were finally opened to the manipulations of the administration and they have turned on him. Not all of the news outlets have followed suit but they are changing their stripes one by one.

Obama (and Hillary) were disciples of Saul Alinsky, whose "Rules for Radicals" book encourages ad hominem tactics, deception, harassment, any means necessary to accomplish an agenda. Indeed, Saul Alinsky dedicated his book to Satan.

For those of you who voted for a new hope, you have no idea of the deception that was handed to you.

Comment I don't believe that GM is serious about an EV (Score 3, Informative) 466

Over twenty years ago GM made the EV-1 electric car. It was only available for lease. The leasees were so happy with it that they wanted to buy the car, but the cars were reclaimed and destroyed under very questionable circumstances and production lines were promptly shut down. There are GM executives who are known to be rabidly hostile to EVs. Chevron, in collusion with the automakers, ultimately bought the patent to the EV-ideal environmentally-friendly NiMh battery and refuses to license it in a format suitable for EVs.

The oil and auto industries colluded to keep EVs and any other competitive technology from eroding the profits of Big Oil. They did it before when they conspired through shell companies to acquire and destroy streetcar companies. Streetcars were powered by electricity not fossil fuel, so by forcing consumers away from streetcars they had little choice but to buy cars. Auto makers fattened their profits, as did oil companies.

I find it hard to believe that GM is at all serious about EVs.

Comment Another tool to punish political enemies (Score 1) 302

This is a very dangerous direction and is another tool that Obama can use to punish his political enemies as he has wielded throughout his time in office. A likely scenario is if a college publishes studies that establishes facts that conflict with political agendas, they could find their federal aid withheld like the IRS has been doing with conservative groups. The potential for abuse is too great and the consequences too disastrous. Obama needs to stop his campaign attack mode since taking office, start governing with all branches, and start staffing his cabinet with qualified candidates who listen to all sides and not political rewardees who contributed to his campaign.

Comment I don't want to pay for bandwidth from ads (Score 1) 499

What the IAB doesn't tell you is they want to exploit bandwidth at the recipients' expense. I paid for my ISP, I paid for my bandwidth, and I expect to be in control of how that bandwidth is used not some organization crying "hijacking" and "judge and jury". If I want to block ads because I hate them and they can potentially deliver malware and the IAB doesn't like it, then they can cry me a river.

Comment Nook Failure = Limited tablet market (Score 3, Interesting) 330

It's not so much that reading habits are shifting from paper to digital as it is the limited tablet computer market. Apple iPad has a strong foothold in the tablet market. Few people want another tablet to carry around not to mention one that is focused on eReading and not much else.

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