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Comment Re:'Decommissioning' is a made-up scenario (Score 1) 235

Every renewable dream has us whizzing around in electric vehicles. But this could come true only if the future is nuclear.

People on slashdot make that statement, but I have yet to see any proof of it. Meanwhile, it is factually true that the Sahara desert contains 18 times the solar energy required by the entire world. Spread out over the worlds' deserts, that isn't terribly hard to imagine.

Or are you mainly referring to things like energy storage? Because theoretically renewables can provide many times over the energy that we need. Storage and grid management are mainly political will issues (how much do we want to spend, how much will we force energy companies to upgrade), not technical ones.

Comment Re: How about over 10 years? (Score 1) 291

...because you don't "write" html. you get something else to write it for you.

Hand coding your own HTML pages is a lost art these days.

What sort of systems are you guys involved with that you don't have to manually modify HTML structure to line up with what your CSS/JS guys need or want?

Some HTML output is automated, but you still need a thorough understanding of what the HTML tag options are, what needs to be in the HEAD section, the overall flow of the page html for ADA checking, etc..

I use php, java/jsp, coldfusion, velocity templates/Liferay portal type systems, etc.. and still need to carefully think about html structure in my projects. What sort of workflow using what sort of framework/language allows you to produce a finished and styled web application without tinkering with HTML tags?

Comment Re:Can Iowa handle a circus that large? (Score 1) 433

"American political norms" have shifted tremendously over the last 30 years. I am of the opinion that the Overton Window has shifted towards the right. We can probably argue all day why/how that happened, but the bottom line is that Reagan would be pretty center... even perhaps slightly liberal on some issues (like immigration) in today's politics.

A tea party person considers Hillary Clinton liberal.
A liberal/moderate person considers Hillary Clinton center.

Mainstream news doesn't really make any fine grained distinctions other than blue/red. So yeah, Hillary is lumped into the 'blue' category, but that is just an arbitrary bucket. In terms of the history of political policies in this country, Hillary is pretty middle of the road. Just like her husband.

I'm sure that Hillary/Bill would have had more liberal policies if they thought they could, but they both seem to be pragmatists and not idealists when it comes to actual actions, not speeches.

Comment Re:Can Iowa handle a circus that large? (Score 1) 433

You must have missed the last election. Democrats were shellacked.

You must have missed the last election. Low turnout, which always favors Republicans, but every minimum wage increase passed, pot legaization passed, person hood amendments failed etc. In other words the liberal agenda made lots of progress. Here's a nice analysis by a GOPer:

"Democrats were shellacked"...through the power of gerrymandering and record low voter turnout. I think we are going to continue to see these contradictory election results (over 50% of a State's population is liberal, but over 50% of a State's elected candidates are conservative) until the districts can be redrawn in 2020. Of course, the Democrats need to have control in 2020 to redraw the boundries.... chicken meet egg.

Comment Re:Thats science for you .... (Score 1) 252

Hell, we look at the start of society by farming of a carbohydrate source.

Given that modern humans were around for 100,000+ years with little population to show for it, until 10,000-8000 BC'ish when farming took off, says to me that we need to be careful with carbs more than anything. It is any extremely easy way to get a lot of calories fast. That was great for ballooning the population incredibly fast (in evolutionary time frames), but it makes sense to me that it is equally likely to balloon your waistline just as fast.

Comment Weather (Score 1) 454

Once cars become cheap, automated, electric, and widespread in all parking lots, I think it is true that many people may give up owning a car.

But that is a much more likely scenario in moderate to hot climates, like California. I can't picture that happening for a long time in snowy parts of the country.

Comment Re:Squarer is better. (Score 1) 330

Also, some gaming would benefit from a screen like this. One that comes to find is Everquest. You use a lot of vertical space for chat windows, spell bars, both on the top and bottom of the screen typically. You want those chat boxes and spell bars to be as central to your vision as possible, not pushed way out into your peripheral vision.

Comment Re:They WILL FIght Back (Score 1) 516

It lasted six years dude. The effects were even more obnoxious than I listed; I remember dusting the house every bloody day because they were stirring up that much dust and dirt. They destroyed our local roads and paid nothing towards the repair of them. I moved out of that area a full year after they completed construction and the streams still weren't clear. That's what happens when you clear cut thousands of acres of forest. The out-of-towners they trucked in for the job showed no respect to the local community. The complaints ranged from the trivial (speeding, ignoring stop signs) to the obnoxious (unnecessary jake braking at 3am, sexual innuendo on their CB radios) to the criminal (assault and rapes tripled in Wyoming County during this project). ......
I'll repeat: Wind power is a joke.

None of your complaints have anything to do with Wind Power as a technology. It sounds like a poorly run project, with uncaring and inconsiderate project leaders. That has nothing to do with Wind as a power source.

I travel back and forth along the Columbia River all the time. There is a huge amount of wind power and ongoing construction. I've never been inconvenienced. Never had a road closed. Never seen any large amounts of dust.

Comment Re:Stupid, trucks cause the problem (Score 1) 554

To reply directly to your analogy: it's wrong. Government spending isn't a household budget and anyone who tries to make that comparison is explicitly demonstrating their ignorance of economics.

I hear that often, and tend to believe it because I hear smart economists say that all the time. However, I really can't explain it to other people. I find articles like this:

But after reading it, it is still unclear why, for example, debt is required/not required to make a Government budget work.

Comment Re: The UK doesn't have freedom of speech (Score 1) 316

I don't know if it saved lives overall or not. I don't know if dropping it over the water, or on a military base would have shocked them enough to surrender. Who knows? It is hard to redo history as an experiment.

I do know that it most likely saved my Grandpa's life though. He was on a navy boat, days away from attempting to take a heavily fortified beach. The predicted casualties were around 60-70%.

Comment Re:Alternative? (Score 1) 377

When you make the label binary, then what you are really telling the consumer is that all that matters is whether there are GMOs in there or not, and that only makes any sense for people that just think that GMOs are bad in principle.

I think that is exactly what most pro-label people wanted. A binary choice out of principle.

Among people I talk to, and I don't know many that believe GMO's are unhealthy. The main concerns I heard were stuff about patenting food being a bad idea, GMO's leading to higher use of pesticide, corporate control over non-seeding plants, mono-culture crops having increased chance of mass die off if a new disease or pest infects them, etc...

So very much an "in principle" label.

Most people that are serious about sustainable food already know that labels like 'organic' don't mean much without some extra research. GMO would just be one more label. Just a starting place. If you want the specifics about whether GMO X is good/bad, you better do some reading.

Comment Re:So, does water cost more? (Score 1) 377

There are certain types of creative goods and services that it makes no sense to patent. Patents in certain areas hinder new ideas, especially if that good or service is one that favors evolutionary ideas...generational growth and interbreeding / crossbreeding.

Like fashion. There are no patents on any designs in fashion. People are free to 'steal', mix/match, build on others works, etc.. Yet the fashion industry is still huge. And good designers still make a ton of money.

I think agriculture should have a similar free exchange of ideas. Maybe not 100% patent free, but definitely much less locked down than it is today. If that means that companies like Monsanto spend less on researching new GMO's, so be it. If society wants it, society can put more money into Universities and other institutes of basic research. I think that is a much better situation than handing our food future over to companies that want to produce seeds that grow into seedless plants.

Saving seeds, cross breeding, etc.. are a core part of agriculture. I would hate to see a world were every farm is just a clone of the next farm over, and all 100% dependent on patented seeds, with no variety in our produce.

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