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Hardware Hacking

Journal Journal: Mac mini powered '69 Nova

Some people expressed their interest in using a Mac mini as the cornerstone of their auto multimedia setup. The very first car known to have one of these installed is a prestigious '69 Nova. There's even a video clip showing how the driver may use a tactile screen to interact with iTunes!

Desktops (Apple)

Journal Journal: DIY Mac mini overclocking

So, you wanted a 1,42GHz Mac mini but either because of some distribution woes or because of your tight budget you could just get a 1,25GHz ?
Don't worry : Leo Bodnar just found out how to overclock your machine. Of course, you'll have to open it prior to anything else but you already know how to do this.

Journal Journal: why not hop over and help?

For Slashdot's moderation system to function properly,
we need as many users as possible to
You are currently eligible... why not hop over and help?

Because, besides wasting my time, it has no effect : Most of the moderation is crappy. Seeing how easily people get along with a -1 "Overrated" or "Flamebait" when they just suggest something "Interesting" is bad, but whenever this gets metamodded as "unfair", you just end up a week later, reviewing this is seeing it's never been applied : The poor bastards write/up remained unfairly modded.

So, call me when your meta-modding system will work, not before.


Journal Journal: Was AIDS indeed engineered ? 4

First, there was her hypothesis :

"Although I am a biologist, I have not done any research. I may not be able to say who developed the (HIV) virus but it was meant to wipe out the black race,"

Wangari Maathai, biologist and Nobel Peace Prize 2004.

Now, there's the news :,1286,66198,00.html

Genetic resistance to AIDS works in different ways and appears in different ethnic groups. The most powerful form of resistance, caused by a genetic defect, is limited to people with European or Central Asian heritage. An estimated 1 percent of people descended from Northern Europeans are virtually immune to AIDS infection, with Swedes the most likely to be protected. One theory suggests that the mutation developed in Scandinavia and moved southward with Viking raiders.


Journal Journal: Yamaha acquires Steinberg

Yamaha just acquired Steinberg. This means that Logic Pro's main concurrent, Cubase, is now about to become a serious challenger, especially once Yamaha's engineer can help improving its latency issues... I hope this will stimulate Apple's music related products even more.

The Almighty Buck

Journal Journal: Geneva to dump MS, endorse Free Software

D'ICI À 2009 Le canton veut se passer des produits de Microsoft

16 novembre 2004

Une révolution informatique se prépare à Genève: d'ici à 2009, l'ensemble de l'administration cantonale va abandonner les programmes payants, en particulier ceux de Microsoft, pour les remplacer par des logiciels libres, gratuits et ouverts, tels que Linux.

Nous voulons garantir notre indépendance informatique, explique Jean-Marie Leclerc, directeur général du Centre des technologies de l'information de l'Etat. Ce n'est pas dirigé contre Microsoft; il s'agit simplement de ne plus dépendre d'une seule entreprise. De plus on ne peut pas imaginer une administration ouverte sans adopter des systèmes ouverts! Un programme
comme Linux peut en effet être modifié librement par l'utilisateur, au contraire de son concurrent Windows, par exemple, dont Microsoft garde le contrôle.

Mais les logiciels libres présentent un autre avantage de taille: ils sont gratuits! L'Etat économisera des millions sur les licences informatiques.
On ne peut pas encore chiffrer l'économie que nous réaliserons, car il faudra financer le passage d'un système à l'autre et la formation des utilisateurs, tempère Jean-Marie Leclerc. Mais le critère financier est évidemment important.

Dernière commande chez Microsoft. Dans un premier temps, Genève va malgré tout s'équiper du nouveau système
d'exploitation de Microsoft, Windows XP. Un achat nécessaire pour assurer la transition vers les logiciels libres, qui devront être mis en place au plus tard en 2009. Mais nous allons commencer bien avant: dès qu'un service sera prêt à basculer vers le nouveau système, il le fera, assure Jean-Marie
Leclerc. Genève n'est pas seul à s'intéresser aux logiciels libres: de nombreuses administrations commencent à les adopter. En Suisse, le canton de Vaud va aussi remplacer certains de ses programmes.

C'est une bonne nouvelle, se réjouit Anne Possoz, collaboratrice scientifique à l'EPFL et partisane des logiciels libres. D'ailleurs je ne comprends pas comment une administration publique peut accepter d'être dépendante d'une entreprise d'un autre pays. Si Microsoft décide un jour
d'abandonner tel ou tel produit, on ne peut rien faire! Alors qu'avec les logiciels libres, il suffit d'engager quelques informaticiens pour continuer à utiliser le programme.


Journal Journal: "Water-Powered" car a reality !

Many modern geopolitical moves are also dictated by energy needs. Oil, for instance, sees its price increasing over the most pessimistic expectations and it's not about to change. PSI-Michelin, a French-Swiss association, however contributed to reduce the problem's impact : By creating the first "water-powered" car, they made a dream come true. The specs are amazing : 850kg, 400km autonomy, 0-100km/h in 12s... Here's the original article (French) and here's a translation.

Journal Journal: Valenti receives "La Legion d'Honneur"

Former MPAA head guy Jack Valenti has been received by French President Jacques Chirac who gave him the highest distinction : La Legion d'Honneur, for all of his hard work making our lives even less pleasant. Coverage is in French and you might have to fish for a translation...

The Almighty Buck

Journal Journal: Nothing to see here

So, is it just an impression or is access to new stories just forbidden until some subscriber (first-)post to these ?


Journal Journal: Another moderation shitfest 4

  1. No , posted to Can A Bounty System Cure Spam? , has been moderated Funny (+1).

    It is currently scored Funny (2).

  2. No , posted to Can A Bounty System Cure Spam? , has been moderated Funny (+1).

    It is currently scored Funny (3).

  3. Re:that space would almost fit two cars , posted to Linux-Powered Auto Parking Car , has been moderated Informative (+1).

    It is currently scored Informative (2).

  4. Re:that space would almost fit two cars , posted to Linux-Powered Auto Parking Car , has been moderated Informative (+1).

    It is currently scored Informative (3).

  5. Re:Influencing the PTO , posted to EFF, PubPat Each Seeking Some Patent Sanity , has been moderated Informative (+1).

    It is currently scored Informative (2).

  6. No , posted to Can A Bounty System Cure Spam? , has been moderated Insightful (+1).

    It is currently scored Funny (4).

  7. Re:Influencing the PTO , posted to EFF, PubPat Each Seeking Some Patent Sanity , has been moderated Insightful (+1).

    It is currently scored Insightful (3).

  8. No , posted to Can A Bounty System Cure Spam? , has been moderated Overrated (-1).

    It is currently scored Funny (3).

  9. Re:No , posted to Can A Bounty System Cure Spam? , has been moderated Overrated (-1).

    It is currently scored Normal (0).

  10. Good precedent , posted to Canadian High Court Says ISPs Don't Owe Royalties , has been moderated Redundant (-1).

    It is currently scored Redundant (0).

  11. Re:No , posted to Can A Bounty System Cure Spam? , has been moderated Insightful (+1).

    It is currently scored Insightful (1).

  12. Good precedent , posted to Canadian High Court Says ISPs Don't Owe Royalties , has been moderated Underrated (+1).

    It is currently scored Redundant (1).

  13. Good precedent , posted to Canadian High Court Says ISPs Don't Owe Royalties , has been moderated Redundant (-1).

    It is currently scored Redundant (0).

  14. Good precedent , posted to Canadian High Court Says ISPs Don't Owe Royalties , has been moderated Interesting (+1).

    It is currently scored Redundant (1).

  15. Re:Good precedent , posted to Canadian High Court Says ISPs Don't Owe Royalties , has been moderated Redundant (-1).

    It is currently scored Redundant (0).

  16. Good precedent , posted to Canadian High Court Says ISPs Don't Owe Royalties , has been moderated Underrated (+1).

    It is currently scored Interesting (2).


Journal Journal: Ben's Game 6

Ben, a 9-year old boy has cancer. When asked to make a wish, he said he wanted "to design a video game that would be helpful for kids like him who have cancer, a way to fight back and relieve some of the pain and stress involved with treatment." It has been really hard to accomplish but the game and its story are available here.

Christmas Cheer

Journal Journal: Comment moronation

Believe it or not : 21 points wasted on my comments : I am not a karma whore, dammit, I appreciate a +1 from time to time but not some +5. BTW: I HATE being modded -1 Flamebait. This IS insulting !

Comment Moderation
sent by Slashdot Message System on Wednesday June 23, @12:05AM
  1. Re:Now this is proof enough, don't you think? , posted to More On The Open Sourcing Of Iraq , has been moderated Flamebait (-1).
    It is currently scored Flamebait (0).
  2. Re:Now this is proof enough, don't you think? , posted to More On The Open Sourcing Of Iraq , has been moderated Interesting (+1).
    It is currently scored Interesting (1).
  3. Re:Now this is proof enough, don't you think? , posted to More On The Open Sourcing Of Iraq , has been moderated Overrated (-1).
    It is currently scored Flamebait (0).
  4. Re:Now this is proof enough, don't you think? , posted to More On The Open Sourcing Of Iraq , has been moderated Insightful (+1).
    It is currently scored Insightful (1).
  5. Re:Now this is proof enough, don't you think? , posted to More On The Open Sourcing Of Iraq , has been moderated Insightful (+1).
    It is currently scored Insightful (2).
  6. Re:Now this is proof enough, don't you think? , posted to More On The Open Sourcing Of Iraq , has been moderated Interesting (+1).
    It is currently scored Interesting (3).
  7. Re:Now this is proof enough, don't you think? , posted to More On The Open Sourcing Of Iraq , has been moderated Insightful (+1).
    It is currently scored Insightful (4).
  8. Re:Now this is proof enough, don't you think? , posted to More On The Open Sourcing Of Iraq , has been moderated Overrated (-1).
    It is currently scored Normal (0).
  9. Re:Now this is proof enough, don't you think? , posted to More On The Open Sourcing Of Iraq , has been moderated Flamebait (-1).
    It is currently scored Insightful (3).
  10. Re:Now this is proof enough, don't you think? , posted to More On The Open Sourcing Of Iraq , has been moderated Insightful (+1).
    It is currently scored Insightful (4).
  11. Re:How fucking dumb can you be? , posted to More On The Open Sourcing Of Iraq , has been moderated Interesting (+1).
    It is currently scored Interesting (2).
  12. Re:Now this is proof enough, don't you think? , posted to More On The Open Sourcing Of Iraq , has been moderated Overrated (-1).
    It is currently scored Insightful (3).
  13. Re:Now this is proof enough, don't you think? , posted to More On The Open Sourcing Of Iraq , has been moderated Flamebait (-1).
    It is currently scored Insightful (2).
  14. So ? , posted to SpaceShipOne Flight Not as Perfect as it Seemed , has been moderated Insightful (+1).
    It is currently scored Insightful (2).
  15. So ? , posted to SpaceShipOne Flight Not as Perfect as it Seemed , has been moderated Overrated (-1).
    It is currently scored Insightful (1).
  16. So ? , posted to SpaceShipOne Flight Not as Perfect as it Seemed , has been moderated Insightful (+1).
    It is currently scored Insightful (2).
  17. Re:Now this is proof enough, don't you think? , posted to More On The Open Sourcing Of Iraq , has been moderated Informative (+1).
    It is currently scored Informative (2).
  18. Re:Now this is proof enough, don't you think? , posted to More On The Open Sourcing Of Iraq , has been moderated Insightful (+1).
    It is currently scored Insightful (3).
  19. Re:Now this is proof enough, don't you think? , posted to More On The Open Sourcing Of Iraq , has been moderated Insightful (+1).
    It is currently scored Insightful (4).
  20. So ? , posted to SpaceShipOne Flight Not as Perfect as it Seemed , has been moderated Insightful (+1).
    It is currently scored Insightful (3).
  21. Re:How fucking dumb can you be? , posted to More On The Open Sourcing Of Iraq , has been moderated Interesting (+1).
    It is currently scored Interesting (3).
User Journal

Journal Journal: Banned again

OK Guys, just got the possibility to post from here a few days ago and I didn't
happen to be especially badly moderated.
Of course, there are still the morons you let put some Flamebait mod to some
sincere and on topic comment I made but hey, what the Hell !? It's only karma,
isn't it ?

So, here's the deal : I will deactivate the Slashdot ad blocker (do you really
sell stuff to Swiss people, anyway ?!) until I can post again.

Here's your poetry :

Due to excessive bad posting from this IP or Subnet, comment posting has
temporarily been disabled. If it's you, consider this a chance to sit in the
timeout corner . If it's someone else, this is a chance to hunt them down. If
you think this is unfair, please email with your MD5'd
IPID and SubnetID, which are "098sduzfg098usd09fgu0098sdug980u" and
"klhjflkhsaldfjhlksjdhfalksdjfhlk" and (optionally, but preferably) your IP
number "aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd" and your username "mirko".

While posting the following :

So, this thing displays 1280 x 768 dots and has a 40" hypothenuse.

1280^2/dpi^2 + 768^2/dpi^2 = 40^2

So dpi = sqrt((1280^2 + 768^2)/40^2) = 37.31
I think this is not yet ready for a computer use (Even though I'd have LOVED a
computer screen desk like Dillinger in Tron...)

To this...


Journal Journal: The switch is over

Now that I found a sound card for my Powerbook, I can definitely make music using OSX only.
It's a pleasure.
The card especially is the best I've ever seen (and heard): Yamaha 01X.
It's a digital mixer, a DAW interface and a 24bit sound card.
I also sold my mixing desk and loads of effect racks which I do not need anymore.
  I am happy :)

Journal Journal: Why the Hell ?

Why the Hell do I metamod when I have to do it twice a day with no consequence whatsoever ?

Why do people ask me whether I consider it fair to metamod as Unfair the upmodding "+1 interesting" of something which just isn't ?

Why do I submit stories when Slashdot erased my complete list of contributions, including the 5 successfull ones (they actually prefer minor kernel updates to docs describing mLan or -long ago- the ROX2 update) ?
Well, I actually submit them in my journal as well so they don't get lost.

Why do I write here ?
Because I can and even if there's a tiny chance someone may read this and suddenly understand he might not be alone thinking that much of what obviously sounds as Slashdot's self-destruction, I take it because it also lets me switch from my daily routine in order to retrieve it a moment later under a new angle...

Why do I come here ?
Because I just love trolls.
A -1 Flamebait is usually the most entertaining thing one may find on /.

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One good reason why computers can do more work than people is that they never have to stop and answer the phone.
