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Comment Re:ah but (Score 1) 202

I think the key term there is "translate".

It seems to me that translation is one of, if not the main role of management:

(not an exhaustive list)
* Translate requirements from users to developers
* Translate developer feedback to users
* Translate developer needs to reasonable budgetary possibilities
* Translate across departments
* Translate developers to each other (avoid and resolve internal communication problems)

Communication breakdown is oft cited as one of the main reasons for failure. By facilitating effective communication, you add a strong layer of protection against failure.

Do this well and leave it the developers to translate the requirements to working solutions.

Comment Re:C++ needs something else ... (Score 1) 385

You should never have to use extern unless you are trying to interoperate with some external library.

Regarding strings, you're right, UTF support was tricky (although if you don't know std::string is just a typedef of std::basic_string, so abstraction IS there, to a degree). C++0x improves the situation considerably (quoting wikipedia):

There are three Unicode encodings that C++0x will support: UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32. In addition to the previously noted changes to the definition of char, C++0x will add two new character types: char16_t and char32_t. These are designed to store UTF-16 and UTF-32 respectively."

It also adds both UTF string literal syntax and user-defined literals.

Regarding XML, I don't think it belongs in a "standard" library. Yes, it's common. It wasn't very common when the current C++ standard was introduced. But, it's a specific file format, not a general language/math/software feature. It might be "convenient", but there's something to be said for simplicity and keeping the standard library slim. It doesn't belong in the standard library any more than an image parsing library does. There are also many ways to write an XML parser, depending on what you are trying to optimize for (performance? memory? convenience?) That's pretty hard to "standardize".

Similar things can be said regarding GUIs. They are inherently platform specific and thus fall outside the domain of a general purpose, relatively low level compiled language like C++, in my opinion. This is even more so something that everyone has wildly differing opinions on how to implement. There is no "correct" solution. There are GUI libraries with immense amount of work put into them, many of them for C++ and cross platform (e.g. Qt) and they change rapidly due to changing requirements. For all these reasons it makes sense to keep such a thing separate from the language.

C++ is not supposed to be a convenient language. It's supposed to be a powerful, efficient language first and foremost. Convenience is nice, but when it interferes with the main goals, it takes a back seat in C++. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, it just depends on what your use case is. Do you want power, or convenience? (This is not to say that you can't write convenient constructs and libraries in C++, and C++0x makes that quite a bit easier still).

Comment Re:C++ needs something else ... (Score 1) 385

Those are all fairly common concerns about C++, but primarily ones made by inexperienced C++ users.

The complex syntax (particularly templates and the preprocessor) indeed presents a problem for writing helpful IDEs both in terms of autocomplete/refactoring and useful error reporting.

There is a plugin for MSVC called Visual Assist X that does a much better job than (at least 2008's) Intellisense. It's not free but myself and people I work with find it indispensable. It handles almost everything very well except for particularly crazy preprocessed constructs.

Header inclusion is really a very simple affair - all the #include directive does is paste the contents of the file in place. Everything else falls out of that. Forward declarations may seem archaic, but they allow you to be explicit about depending on skeletal declarations rather than full definitions (although this can admittedly get kludgy in some circumstances, e.g. typedefs), and they allow you to have a sort of cheat sheet of declarations that is separate from the implementation.

I'm not sure what you mean by the direction of declarations. As long as you avoid unnecessarily cyclic dependencies (which should be easy if you keep definitions out of your headers), you should be fine. I'm also not sure what you mean about the difference between classes and functions in "modules". Both classes and functions can be "forward declared". Nothing needs to depend on the definition of a function, but you need to see the definition of a class if you want to do anything more with it than hold/pass pointers/references of its type. Declarations can be repeated as long as they are the same. Definitions can not be. (and neither can typedefs, which is indeed irritating, but the new standard does improve on typedefs in various ways).

Java is built for virtual machines. By definition, I don't think it's possible to write a different sort of compiler that improves on the performance situation of a VM very much. If you were to attempt something like this, you'd be at best creating a subset of Java which essentially would be a restricted subset of C++ anyway, I think.

Comment Re:C++ needs something else ... (Score 1) 385

I really hate that attitude regarding C++. Yes, C++ has a learning curve. C++ isn't necessarily the best solution to a given problem. But if you know how to use it, you will be very productive.

Also from what I've seen, C++ can do just about anything that any other language can do, and more, in some fashion. To me, this makes C++ the best (but not only!) tool for most projects where I am not burdened by naysayers who refuse to learn a "difficult" language.

You mentioned scripting languages. Scripting languages are great for a variety of uses, but they terrible for others. They don't scale. They don't have much or any compile-time safety. They are typically slow.

Comment Re:Features, yes. Safety, still in denial. (Score 1) 385

If an API is written in a way where the user has to be "very careful", then it isn't written very well. There might also be performance reasons but I've found that you are rarely absolutely required to sacrifice safety, readability, etc, to attain substantial performance gains if you truly know what you are doing.

C++ is one of the more "safe" languages available if you use it properly. It's compile time safety features trump all other popular languages in my opinion (runtime safety is another story).

Comment Re:Opera (Score 1) 475

Phew, I thought I was the only one to use numerous tabs and windows for ridiculous lengths of time without ever looking at them instead of just saving to a bookmark. (I'm serious). I get flak about it daily whenever someone walks by my monitor, but I'm rather attached to the habit. I mainly find it a more effective reminder of something I need to look at than a bookmark, not to mention the many tabs I actually use on a regular basis (multiple mail clients, references, etc).

Out of curiosity, how many tabs/windows do you people use? I use typically around 100/10 at a time, though it varies from 50-150 tabs, depending on how recently I did a flush to bookmarks pass.

When I do this in Firefox 3 (fx 4 is far too inefficient for my liking last I checked), it typically takes up between 0.5-1GB of memory. However, I have to restart Firefox daily because it begins to spike cpu usage every 10 seconds or so for increasing amounts of time (up to several seconds at a time) after running for a while. I've never been able to determine the cause of this despite many hours of research and experimentation.

Comment Re:microsoft research rocks (Score 1) 259

Yep. I swear by my MS "Wheel Mouse Optical"s and 360 controllers... But will probably never own a 360 console. MS keyboards aren't so hot though - I'll use BTC 6300s until there aren't any left.

I also find it interesting that I'd probably choose those three despite price, but the mouse and keyboard are very much on the low end of the price range, and the 360 controller isn't too bad either.

Comment Re:Keep up or shut up (Score 1) 785

It seems to me that if you really enjoy what you do, you should also enjoy keeping up and/or ahead with the evolution of your field. My experience has been almost the opposite - when I started working full time, perhaps not immediately, but after a short while I felt more compelled to learn and work on things on my own time because I like what I do, and although I am lucky to have a job where I learn quite a bit on company time, living life going through the motions and stagnating makes no sense to me. I'm always asking myself (and others) questions like "Is there a better way to do this?" Being able to do this is as important to me to making a comfortable living, but, luckily, these tend to go together.

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