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Comment Re:With a Single Missile.... (Score 4, Informative) 396

An A-10 would have been great, but they can't get that high. Their service ceiling is 45,000 feet. The F-35, which they used, is 55,000 feet. Easiest, most efficient way to take the balloon down was with a missile, which worked. Thank goodness they didn't take the advice of all these ATS desk jockeys telling them what they should have done.

Comment Re:Why would you want to do that? (Score 1) 376

Good Lord! How pedantic! What's the big deal? It's just a term. Deal with it. It's like saying, "That's not a hood, it's a bonnet!" "That's not a trunk, it's a boot!" If you really can't deal with what are truly minor cultural differences, you need to stay in the basement.

Comment Re:The Author's Guild (Score 4, Informative) 83

You are making stuff up. The vast majority of the 16,000 public libraries are open and funded directly by property taxes. Funding was not "re-allocated." In fact, in those libraries that did close temporarily because of Covid, employees were kept on the payroll as they provided books and materials directly to the car window. The statement that "Covud-19 closed the handful that were remaining" makes no sense at all. It's pure fantasy.

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