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Comment Re:Trying to control a market they no longer own.. (Score 1) 270

I agree. Keurig is trying to sell Keurig 2.0 which has limited selection since you can't use "Keurig 1.0" pods in it. I'm guessing somebody will make a Keurig 1.0 compatible coffee brewer (if they haven't already). This will immediately have a large selection of pods that can be used in it, thanks to Keurig 1.0's success. A couple of years from now, talking about making quick cups of coffee might refer to SOME_OTHER_MAKER machines and not Keurig.

Comment Re:Someone has (Score 1) 270

We have a Keurig (which we won... didn't buy it) and were concerned about waste. My wife bought a reusable K-cup and buys coffee in bulk. She scoops in the appropriate amount of coffee into the reusable K-cup, brews her cup of coffee, and then dumps the grinds/washes the reusable K-cup. Every so often, she runs the reusable K-cup in the dishwasher.

Of course, Keurig 2.0 would flag her reusable K-cup as a non-allowed K-cup and wouldn't let her brew coffee. This is a big reason why we won't be buying a Keurig 2.0.

Comment Re:This isn't really surprising at all (Score 2) 176

We're doing the same with our cars. I got my new car in 2009 when my old car (a 1999 model IIRC) began having major problems. My wife's minivan we purchased before our first son was born in 2003. Both of our cars are paid off now and we're "basking" in not having car payments. (Where "basking" really means the money gets drained out of our bank accounts in other directions like home repairs.)

My father questioned why we wouldn't just replace our cars with newer models. He seems to think any car over 3 years old needs to be traded in for a new model otherwise you don't get the best trade-in value. I'm more of the philosophy that I use my car as much as I can before getting a new one. Yes, we might lose out on a couple thousand in trade-in, but every month without car payments is a month we don't have to pay around $300 on a car loan. A few of these months more than makes up for no trade-in.

Comment Re:Correcting the crappy summary (Score 1) 183

Don't worry about the big media companies. They'll get some government grants to help them stay in business (in exchange for lauding how wonderful the current government is). Smaller publications who are more critical of the government won't get these grants and will go out of business. To quote mcvos: "Win-win for big corps and the government. Lose for the people and the small independent press."

Comment Re:Great but (Score 1) 100

Yes, name coincidences happen. My dentist has the same name as my father and has a son with my name. (I told him I was going to bolt out of there if his wife was the same name as my mother and if he had a daughter with the same name as my sister.) However, the more these coincidences happen, the less credible they become.

One person with the same name as a fictional character would be an interesting coincidence. Two people with the same name as fictional characters (on the same TV show no less) would strain credibility to the breaking point. Toss in someone with a name similar to the leader of North Korea and I would hope that any serious reviewer would ask some serious questions.

Comment Re:Science does not work like that (Score 1) 329

In addition, warmer temperatures can lead to more lake effect snow. Were the temperatures colder, the lake would freeze over which would mean less water evaporating from the lake to fuel lake effect snowstorms. With warmer weather, the lake stays unfrozen, more water evaporates, and more lake effect snow occurs.

Unfortunately, this increase in lake effect snow is often followed by more people saying "It just snowed in this one place on this one day thus Global Warming is wrong!"

Comment Re:Paradoxes Be Damned (Score 1) 334

A few possibilities:

1) Aliens are technology snobs. They are only willing to contact civilizations with a certain level of technology. We are barely the equivalent of some third world country to them. They want to avoid us as all costs because we are so backwards.

2) Xenophobia. Intelligent species tend to not like other intelligent species for whatever reason. So even if they detect an alien species, they stay away from each other.

3) They don't know we're here. Perhaps they have moved past radio communications and now rely solely on some sort of FTL communication method that we have yet to discover. In doing this, they become invisible to us, but the flip side might be true. They might have been using this communication system for so long that it just doesn't dawn on them to contact us.

And one last one but likely the most probable:

4) We just weren't listening. Think about the history of human communications. How long have we had the ability to receive radio broadcasts? Around 80 years. So if an alien civilization sent a "We're Here" message to us a hundred years ago, it would have zoomed by us without us responding. Maybe they tried contacting us and we just didn't answer to they moved on assuming there wasn't intelligent life on Earth.

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