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Submission + - Satellite Shows Chinese Carrier In Yellow Sea (

warewolfsmith writes: "A commercial U.S. satellite company said it has captured a photo of China's first aircraft carrier in the Yellow Sea off the Chinese coast. DigitalGlobe Inc. said Wednesday one of its satellites photographed the carrier Dec. 8. A DigitalGlobe analyst found the image Tuesday while searching through photos."

Pluto — a Complex and Changing World 191

astroengine writes "After 4 years of processing the highest resolution photographs the Hubble Space Telescope could muster, we now have the highest resolution view of Pluto's surface ever produced. Most excitingly, these new observations show an active world with seasonal changes altering the dwarf planet's surface. It turns out that this far-flung world has more in common with Earth than we would have ever imagined."

Big Dipper "Star" Actually a Sextuplet System 88

Theosis sends word that an astronomer at the University of Rochester and his colleagues have made the surprise discovery that Alcor, one of the brightest stars in the Big Dipper, is actually two stars; and it is apparently gravitationally bound to the four-star Mizar system, making the whole group a sextuplet. This would make the Mizar-Alcor sextuplet the second-nearest such system known. The discovery is especially surprising because Alcor is one of the most studied stars in the sky. The Mizar-Alcor system has been involved in many "firsts" in the history of astronomy: "Benedetto Castelli, Galileo's protege and collaborator, first observed with a telescope that Mizar was not a single star in 1617, and Galileo observed it a week after hearing about this from Castelli, and noted it in his notebooks... Those two stars, called Mizar A and Mizar B, together with Alcor, in 1857 became the first binary stars ever photographed through a telescope. In 1890, Mizar A was discovered to itself be a binary, being the first binary to be discovered using spectroscopy. In 1908, spectroscopy revealed that Mizar B was also a pair of stars, making the group the first-known quintuple star system."

Submission + - Whatever happened to dual booting OS's

warewolfsmith writes: Multi core processors bought with them the promise of simultaneous dual booted Operating Systems, running Windows and Linux side by side etc. What happened to the dream of digital nirvana?

Submission + - Material Keeps "Dirty" Fuel Cells Chilled Out (

TechReviewAl writes: Researchers at Georgia Tech have developed an anode material that could make solid-oxide fuel cells, which run on hydrocarbons, much more efficient. The material resists the buildup of sulfur and carbon that can occur at lower temperatures, something that has plagued efforts to make more efficient fuel cells of this kind. Meilin Liu, professor of materials science and engineering and codirector of the Center for Innovative Fuel Cell and Battery Technologies at Georgia Tech, stumbled on the poison-tolerant and coking-resistant material while trying to improve the conductivity of the anode. Liu is discussing licensing the anode material with several companies but says before it can be brought to market, the new anode will have to be tested over longer periods of time in larger prototypes.

Comment Most computers can't run full graphic glory anyway (Score 1) 506

I actually wonder why game developers bother when most computers can't run games at there full resolution anyway. Most mere mortals put up with crappy graphics so we can enjoy skip free game play. It usually take me two computer upgrades to be able to run an old game at its full resolution. Game play has always been the priority.

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