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Comment Nonsense (Score 2) 566

As the number of alternative practitioners graduating from tertiary education institutions increases, further health-care resources are wasted, while the potential for harm increases.

As if there's no waste and harm in Western medicine. Western health practitioners tend overtreat their patients with more invasive techniques like prescription drugs and surgery, with their side effects and "complications". Acupuncture and herbs can be medically active and effective. Why not apply the scientific method to understanding how these less invasive treatments work instead of demonizing them because they are "traditional"?

Comment Re:It's not a choice (Score 2) 728

Pedophilia is not consensual, and cannot easily be distinguished from rape in the way that homosexuality can. IANAL but I think consent is probably the only valid basis for legislating sexuality.

Comment Re:It's not a choice (Score 3, Insightful) 728

This sounds suspiciously like "Hate the sin, love the sinner"

Turing wasn't convicted for what he "was". He was convicted for what he did -- namely, invited another man whom he didn't really know to live at his apartment, getting robbed, then rubbing the Police's nose in the fact that he was violating the (then-current) law. He may not have been able to "choose" whether or not he was attracted to men, but he was certainly able to choose whether he invited a random sociopath into his home and got robbed on account of it.

Rosa Parks wasn't arrested for what she "was". She was arrested for what she did, namely, sitting in the front of a bus, then rubbing the Police's nose in the fact that she was violating the (then-current) law. She may not have been able to "choose" whether or not she was black, but she was certainly able to choose whether she obeyed the law and sat in the back of the bus.

Celibacy really is an option that many people have practiced throughout history and continue to practice today.

Do you really believe that Turing should have become celibate because his sexual preferences were illegal?

Comment Re:Even if global warming was an issue (Score 1) 1367

I always love when people talk about "taking action" as if it's someone else's responsibility. But there are dozens of ways to reduce consumption and improve the situation (if done on a large scale):

  • Give up disposable coffee cups. Those cups, in aggregate, are negatively affecting the environment ( - read it, it's scary).
  • Several years ago the US government suggested that if every American household simply painted their roof white and checked the air in their tires, it would have a significant impact towards fighting climate change. Let's see more white roofs.
  • Meat production is known to be a major negative factor towards climate change. But Americans eat more meat per capita than anyone else, and continue to buy unsustainably-produced junk food across the country. And massive quantities of food goes to waste before and after production.

Those are just off the top of my head. Everyone wants "something to be done" without actually being bothered to do anything. It doesn't help that our economy is driven by forces that benefit from continuous overconsumption, but it really does come down to billions of individual choices, every day. And I don't think we're talking about major lifestyle changes, unless we let the problem fester.

Comment Re:They are the press (Score 1) 1367

Once upon a time (very long ago) the purpose of the press was to tell us what was going on in the world

Errr, when was that, exactly? My understanding is that the press (and journalists) have always some sort of bias. The only difference is 1) the biases used to be more mainstream/middle class and 2) that there have been strict journalistic standards and fact-checking protocols to help counter the bias. But a piece can be inherently biased even if all the facts technically check out (in this case, the WSJ writers probably aren't saying anything disprovable, just not necessarily relevant).

Comment Re:Going to the moon, with what money?? (Score 1) 602

You're missing the point. If Gingrich had been interrogated about his sexual behavior in office the way Clinton was, he would have lied the same way, and probably would have gotten away with it. The point was to derail any potential liberal or populist agenda that Clinton might have pursued in his last two years of office.

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