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Comment Re:Industry attacks it (Score 1) 328

This article is saying that fracking chemicals are getting into the same water that is feeding the wells to people's homes.

If it is getting into peoples drinking water supplies, then I would suspect that it is also potentially getting into the water supplies of livestock, as well as other animals.

Comment Re:All aboard the FAIL train (Score 1) 553

and of course yet another member of the Bush family. Yes Jeb is looking to run in 2016.

Last December I heard some conservative political commentator ripping Jeb to shreds because Jeb didn't speak like a 'murican. This commentator was objecting to Jeb using latino pronunciation when saying spanish words. With that sort of animosity brewing in places, Jeb is going to have a lot of trouble navigating the republican political machine regardless of how good a candidate he is.

Comment Re:Viable 3rd Party Candidate?! (Score 2) 553

There are various reasons Stallman couldn't make it as politician, but the most relevant one right now is that in the US we can't have candidates that can't be packaged like a product.

Stallman could't be elected because (for better or worse) Stallman is an extremist and true believer. No-one who has such a rigid position - no matter what their politics - is electable.

Comment Re:Carly... (Score 3, Informative) 553

Remember back in the 70's & 80's when HP was one of the top 10 companies in the world

Not only that you could feel smug about owning an HP calculator that used RPN

(Also HP test gear was the bomb. I know that they sold off that section to someone else, but I have no idea if the current iteration of test gear has the same reputation.)

Comment Re: GIGO (Score 2) 80

On the other hand, a computer can be trained to pick up clues in the image that most people wouldn't notice.

In which case it should have correctly estimated Obama's age in the second picture.

Or is this a "true scotsman" issue in that "a well trained system would have correctly estimated obamas age in the second pic" ??

Comment GIGO (Score 1) 80

If people can't tell your age when looking at you, how can you get a computer to do it accurately?

A persons apparent age is going to depend on a whole bunch of things including environmental things. EG take a farmer who spends all of his time outdoors and someone who partakes in a regime of moisturizers, skin peeling and other assorted beauty activities and lives in their mom's basement. Even if they are the same biological age, they won't look the same apparent age.

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