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Comment Re:Physical work (Score 2) 65

An AI by itself can't use a screwdriver.

At my workplace there's also a lot of stuff that's undocumented, so an AI trying to pull a network cable through a 6.6kV 3-phase feeder would be interesting.

My entire job can be described by that old joke of the engineer billing a company $50,000 for fixing a major problem with a machine. But he was seen to simply tap a hammer in just one spot. And when asked for a itemized bill, he broke it down to "Hitting the machine with a hammer: $1. Knowing where to hit the machine with the hammer: $49,999".

So it will be a while before I would be using things like ChatGP.

Comment Are you man enough? (Score 2) 46

When someone says something like "Does the administration have the guts to do it?", that's simply a veiled attack on your person. It has nothing to do with how good or bad a choice is, in my opinion it's a form of Ad Hominem attack.

I witnessed the same thing personally once when I was in Florida and chose to attend a sales pitch for a timeshare (only for the yucks, and because they were giving away free stuff). The salesman assigned to me tried to find a button to push that would get me to sign a contract. Among the things he tried on me was the "aren't you man enough to make a decision" after I called friend to verify some information. He also literally offered to hook me up with 2 prostitutes for evening if I signed. Even though the salesman kept saying that he didn't receive a commission, when it it became obvious I wasn't going to sign, he got pissed off and simply walked away from me.

So in my opinion, anyone challenging me on who I am automatically raises a red flag that signals that they are shady as fuck. This pitch in Sri Lanka is just the same, but on a larger scale.

Comment Re:Parody. (Score 2) 63

Parodies are supposed to be funny. Granted, I never found Seinfeld to be all that funny, but I watched this for about 5 mins and its awful. The funniest thing about it is the bad postures of the AI characters.

To me, the only interesting character in Seinfeld was Kramer. He went out and did things and owned what he did - good or bad. The rest of them just whined about everything.

I did see Michael Richards (who played Kramer) in another, totally different show around the time of Seinfeld, yet he basically played the same character, so it seemed that either he didn't have much range or was being typecast.

Comment Re:The mullahs are in a tough spot (Score 0, Offtopic) 156

The women are rioting and rebelling, and the mullahs would really like to crush them, but the society is also largely built around the idea that they’re property and need to be controlled

And do you know who effectively put the mullahs in power? The CIA. They helped overthrow Mossadegh, and then supported the brutal regime of the Shah, whose regime caused the rise of political Islam, and resulted in the Iranian Revolution that resulted in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Sure it's one brutal regime replacing another, but without the CIA's meddling, Iran would likely have taken a different path.

Comment Re:And if I catch you recording me for content... (Score 1) 161

And if I catch you recording me for content, I will smack your phone away.

If you hit the phone out of their hand, you're just inviting the clip to go viral.

Think it through. Instead of giving them what they want, do the opposite of what they expect.

Say "You're filming this? Good. I'm going to film this too." or in other cases, just ignore them and walk away. Some trolls hate it when you just ignore them.

Viral?!??! Smacking the phone away is likely to be battery

Comment This is even more fun than I thought (Score 1) 328

Looking on https://legiscan.com/LA/bill/H... at the enacted HB 142, it says

9 B.(1) Any commercial entity that knowingly and intentionally publishes or
10 distributes material harmful to minors on the internet from a website that contains
11 a substantial portion of such material shall be held liable if the entity fails to perform
12 reasonable age verification methods to verify the age of individuals attempting to
13 access the material.

So basically they want to control the entire world .. lol

I was also amused by (my emphasis)

(iii) Sexual intercourse, masturbation, sodomy, bestiality, oral copulation, flagellation, excretory functions, exhibitions, or any other sexual act.

I understand flagellation as a religious practice, but apparently there are sexual connotations as well.

Comment Re:Collection (Score 2, Insightful) 328

They really need to remove the ability to post AC.

There are valid use cases for posting AC, so please don't conflate it with people posting BS.

On other sites where you can't post AC, there are still people who post things like what you are complaining about. The solution is simply to down vote and move on.

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