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Comment Re:Short black with one (Score 2) 192

once you start adding sweeteners and dairy products

Americans don't add dairy products. Instead they add this thing called "creamer" for which I have no idea how it relates to a cow.

Plus, given that the nostalgic view that Americans as a culture have with regards to coffee revolves around brownish sludge in a piece of glassware that wouldn't look out of place in a laboratory; I'm not even sure they're starting with coffee.

Comment Re:He picked the wrong moment to support amnesty (Score 1) 932

What with the insane situation we have at the border right now...

Say what you will about our immigration policy... say what you will about the politics... it looks very bad for people supporting amnesty right now simply because there looks to be a free for all at the border.

The ironic thing is that on Brat's website he lauds Reagan - a president who signed into law amnesty for about 3 million illegals.

Comment Re:Wrong place to ask (Score 1) 165

Because, as it so happens, Golden Age is not to her taste. Now, did you have anything useful to add? No? Then kindly STFU.

So the relationship is superfluous to question. But we don't/can't know that from your submission. Thus you WILL get a bunch of replies saying ask your partner, and given that the question reads like a relationship advice request ("what can I do to understand my partners interests?") you will get a bunch of replies like the OP, especially given that /. is slowly dying (and I bet net craft can confirm it) and people are trying to hold onto the tech side of things rather than the crap(*) that is being promulgated as submissions.

* Not saying that your submission is crap, just that it is badly worded (especially for this audience.)

Comment Re:Extracting all the intelligence (Score 1, Insightful) 346

If Snowden is a "whistleblower", why did he release so much material about things the NSA does which are not illegal?

So what are you insinuating here? That because he released non-ilegal things that Snowden was not a whistle blower? And therefore he should be prosecuted?

That line of thinking smells a lot like a logical fallacy.

And anyway, did Snowden release the documents himself, or was it the journalists that he passed them on to?

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