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Comment Re:Well it IS the BBC (Score 1) 431

Well it is true, hindu's do drink cow piss as you call it, they believe it has religious importance ,and it is not just piss, eat dung too It has something to do with cow being very holy i believe, more probably because historically the cow was such important part of the farmer's economy. Almost all Hindus will not eat beef and one of the flash points for hindu - muslim violence is the fact the muslims do. The alleged fact that beef was used in making bullets that soilders to bite before using was one the manifest causes of the 1857 mutiny

The Mutiny was a result of various grievances. However the flashpoint was reached when the soldiers were asked to bite off the paper cartridges for their rifles which were greased with animal fat, namely beef and pork. This was, and is, against the religious beliefs of Hindus and Muslims, respectively.

Personally i find eating cow shit disgusting and not eating only beef quite amusing, but then again I am Hindu and a vegetarian.

Submission + - Wine On Android Starts Allowing Windows Binaries On Android/ARM (

An anonymous reader writes: Wine on Android is happening slowly but surely... Wine is now in a state to be able to run your favorite Windows (x86) game on your Android-powered ARM device, assuming the game is Windows Solitaire. Wine has been making progress on Android for allowing simple applications to run on Wine but they have run into some challenges, as noted in the annual talk at FOSDEM.

Comment Re:Works for Slashdot as well... (Score 2, Interesting) 367

I am not OP, but I since i think i am part of that audience.

Sure i don't have a 3 digit ID like you, I am fairly recent user, I comment rarely, my comments are barely interesting, but guess what? people like me are the vast majority of the users, most of them don't even have an account. I am happy that slashdot is trying to stay relevant and there are people like me still joining and visiting the site and it has not (yet) become a site of old men complaining about the good ol'days.

if the community is thinking that slashdot can continue being a viable new site by catering to links browsing sys admins from the 90's it is unrealistic.

It is not like dice is changing a winning formula, readership is dwindling, they have invested a lot of money, are they supposed to just sit and watch it all collapse? If you really want to make a difference and keep slashdot classic, offer to pay for it. if enough active community members do, they will keep it. Advertisement based business models need certain critical mass, slashdot is fast losing it.

Don't want to pay big bad DH anything? build your own news aggregator, there is enough unhappy with the beta people with serious talent and plenty of time on hands in this site. Do something useful and quit bitching about.

P.S Beta IS shitty, broken, very JS heavy etc etc,However #fuckbeta doesn't help either, giving constructive feedback is more meaningful? Dice may not listen/execute it, but at least it has better chance of working than #fuckbeta

Comment Re:This Ask Slashdot must be from the /. Beta Team (Score 1) 876

Basically you saying immortal designs however flawed are not to be touched? I will now ask you consider this challenge
* Ask DaVinci if he got MonaLisa right the first time? Or ask him how many changes he made till Mona Lisa became the painting it is today. Or even better ask him if he is happy with the painting the way it is or it was when he last worked on it?
No work is ever complete, no true creator, artist or programmer for that matter will say his work is ever complete. Change is always for the good, however shitty the current version is. I think a quote from Tao of Programming is appropriate

A manager asked a programmer how long it would take him to finish the program on which he was working. ``It will be finished tomorrow,'' the programmer promptly replied. ``I think you are being unrealistic,'' said the manager, ``Truthfully, how long will it take?'' The programmer thought for a moment. ``I have some features that I wish to add. This will take at least two weeks,'' he finally said. ``Even that is too much to expect,'' insisted the manager, ``I will be satisfied if you simply tell me when the program is complete.'' The programmer agreed to this. Several years later, the manager retired. On the way to his retirement luncheon, he discovered the programmer asleep at his terminal. He had been programming all night.

P.S. I don't like the beta either, but am happy at least they are trying to do something.

Submission + - Public libraries tinker with offering makerspaces (

eggboard writes: Public libraries are starting to build temporary and permanent labs that let patrons experiment with new arts, crafts, and sciences, many of them associated with the maker movement. It's a way to bring this technology and training to those without the money or time to join makerspaces or buy gear themselves. It seems to extend the mission of libraries to educate, inform, and enrich, but is a seemingly rare move in the direction of teaching people to create for pleasure and professionally. Many libraries are experimenting with experimenting.

Submission + - Smart Racquets Could Transform Tennis

Hugh Pickens DOT Com writes: L. J. Rick reports at BBC that Babolat has released a tennis racket with gyroscopes, accelerometers and a piezoelectric sensor in the handle that can assess your every shot, sensing where the ball strikes the racquet and the quality of the contact. It counts forehands and backhands, serves and smashes and provides stats in the form of tennis data that can be analysed, stored and compared. The sensor can gather data such as ball speed, accuracy, and angle, and will pair the info with devices such as Bluetooth, phones, computers and USB connections. "We integrated sensors inside the handle of the racquet, but it does not change the specification. And these sensors will analyse your tennis game, so your swing — your motion — and all this information will be collected by the racquet," says Gael Moureaux. The International Tennis Federation, aware of the growing influx of hi-tech equipment into the sport, has set up a program called Player Analysis Technology (PAT) to regulate such "virtual coaches" as the Babolat racquet. The governing body wants to be calling the shots on where and how innovation can be used, as in the past it has found itself having to ban some products like the so-called "spaghetti-strung" racquets (with double stringing that are already on the market and in use. In conjunction with its PAT approval program, the ITF has also brought in a new rule — Rule 31 — to reflect the growing use of connected equipment, and its possible role in tournament play. Approved devices need to be secure and protected against unauthorised access, to prevent "sporting espionage'" whereby data could be stolen. Knowing when an opponent's right hand gets tired during the second set would be a huge advantage. Despite the innovations, one trainer does not think he is in danger of being upstaged by a smart racquet. "I think that it's great for feedback but you still need someone to analyze it," says tennis coach says Nik Snapes. "At the end of the day it's the practice and the ability of someone that makes the player, not necessarily the equipment in their hand."

Submission + - Edward Snowden says NSA engages in industrial espionage ( 2

Maow writes: Snowden has been interviewed by a German TV network and stated that the NSA is involved in industrial espionage, which is outside the range of national security.

He claims that Siemens is a prime example of a target for the data collection.

I doubt this would suprise AirBus or other companies, but it shall remain to be seen what measures global industries take (if any) to prevent their internal secrets from falling into NSA's — and presumably American competitors' — hands.

Comment Re:Now the next step... (Score 1) 143

This is actually current fee table.
While no single item costs the $10,000 i quoted, there are separate fees for application filing, extra claims, more than 100 pages etc, search, examination, issuance and most importantly maintenance fees which are quite high over period of the patent(applicable only of course if awarded). I didn't want to get into the details, but believe me it will cost you in that range easily.
My point being the current fees system is carefully designed to prevent people from abusing with sheer load. If there is load it is generating enough money, USPTO is simply not hiring enough people to handle it, that is merely a execution problem not a system design failure.

Comment Re:Now the next step... (Score 4, Interesting) 143

(e.g. submitting the same fucking thing 100 different times hoping one submission will slip by an overworked patent reviewer)

I am not a fan of the current patenting system, but this is BS, a patent application costs $10,000, if the patent reviewer is overworked it has nothing to do with the abuse of the system, even considering a cost of $200,000 to the USPTO per patent reviewer including all the overheads a reviewer has to only review 20 patents a year to make the system viable.

Comment Re:Stand their ground (Score 1) 247

It's like PCI Express or USB. Sure it's patented but end users don't pay patent fees.

Perhaps you did not pay it directly but if you bought the device then you did pay the fees for the patents, along with the illegal pollutants in it, the Chinese sweatshops making it for you. The minute you pay for it, It is your endorsement of all the things behind making that product.

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