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Comment Couldnt it cause "social discourse" and affect FB? (Score 1) 113

Wouldnt introducing such a feature affect them indirectly? By creating "enemies"? Sure, you can figure if a real friend unfriended you when you think of getting in touch with him/her...but what about those ones who may not really be close friends but would cause a "pinch" in the heart for unfriending. Sure, you may not give a damn... but its human to be left bothered about it. I've always thought FB does not yield to long requested idea of an "Unlike" button cause they no animosity could cause disintegration of the network. Wouldnt showing such info start this kind of animosity and perhaps leave a sour taste for FB eventually? Just thinking

Comment Interrogation... (Score 1) 289

ok...we're gonna make these easy for you. If you keep refusing to force it out naturally, we're may have to use The Instant Nuke...make no mistake, its no gentle gentle "Care Bear" laxative. Ant thats being nice. You don't wanna know about the PNF (Probe Named Fang)....

Submission + - The Evolution of 'Star Trek' (Infographic) (

adumonit writes: TV producer, Gene Roddenberry's optimistic vision of the future has captivated fans for nearly half a century. Six television series and 11 films depict humanity hundreds of years in the future, exploring the stars and battling alien enemies that include Klingons, Romulans and Borg.

Comment Really?... (Score 1) 248

Zoom down to the floor. An ant amongst countless others before, pauses, points its feelers at you, excretes a few bursts of pheromones, trying to make contact... with you...'ve just committed your code to SVN, get up 4 more coffee. Go back to yr workstation...somewhere under your feet is something that "tried to make contact"

Using the technology you invented, in a small box called science which you came up with to organise your thoughts, logic and interpretations of the world to attempt to search for other beings with their own interpretations and orders and reasoning and perhaps non-carbon based.

Its futile.

Feed the starving millions in the world instead.

Comment Silly! (Score 1) 229

> And we've gotten somewhat more relaxed about it.

Regardless of his achievements in computer science, I immediately lose respect for anyone who creates such an abhorrent contortion of he English language.

He wouldn't feed that to a compiler, so why inflict it on other humans?

How about "but we have become rather more relaxed" or "we've now relaxed somewhat".

we're human. intelligent. u can infer meaning. u know exactly what he means. so learn to get over being worked up by things like that, you compiler person you!


Submission + - Do you have to know English to be a Programmer? (

adumonit writes: This article discusses whether knowing English places one at a better advantage of learning how to program or just programming. Its an interesting debate but focused mainly on localization of tools used for programming... I believe the other side of the same coin has less to do with localization, as localization only relates to the environent and tools...intrinsically, programming languages are in English. Most actions are related to and descriptive of real world situations in English. Giving you my initial learning observations as an example: grasping what "marshalling", "call backs", "obfuscation", "buffer", "proxy" would be easier if you had a level of understanding of their English terms. Speed of grasping would depend on how "deep" the term is in English. Ordinary words like "print", "get", "hide" are much easier to the basic English speaker. What are your thoughts?

When Your Company Remote-Wipes Your Personal Phone 446

Xenographic writes "NPR has a story about someone whose personal iPhone got remotely wiped by their employer. It was actually a mistake, but it was something of a surprise because they didn't believe they had given their employer any kind of access to do that. This may already be very familiar to Microsoft Exchange admins, but the problem was her iPhone's integration with MS Exchange automatically gives the server admin access to do remote wipes. All you have to do is configure the phone to receive email from an MS Exchange server and the server admin can wipe your phone at will. The phone wasn't bricked, even though absolutely all of its data was wiped, because the data could be restored from backup, assuming that someone had remembered to make one. But this also works on other devices like iPads, Blackberry phones, and other smartphones that integrate with MS Exchange. So if you read your work email on your personal phone or tablet, you might want to make sure that you keep backups, just in case."

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