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Comment Re:Still a ways to go (Score 1) 131

Definitely looks interesting, but highly unpractical for vehicles. After all, you have to keep the metal molten all the time. And that means some heavy-duty insulation, something akin to a Thermos bottle with a large volume. The problem then is the fact, that such bottles are not exactly great when it comes to vibrations, abrupt stops and crashes.

Comment Re:Heat and noise.... (Score 3, Insightful) 110

By your standard, almost anything would be subjective. Let's go through your line of thinking:

The tester chose an enclosure you probably don't have at home. As such, the card will not demonstrate the same values in your enclosure at home. As a result the tests are "subjective".

Power consumption? Well, you've probably got a different PSU. Subjective.

FPS? You've probably got a different CPU, different OS configuration, motherboard, harddisc... Subjective!

In summary: If the tester uses the same enclosure for every card they test, I don't see how it's subjective. Sone or dB as a unit of loudness are measurable, as is temperature. Or do you want to tell us that, say, the distance to Betelgeuze is subjective just because you don't happen to have the proper equipment to measure it?

Comment Re:Slow news day (Score 1) 191

The problem is, however, that the guys ultimately responsible for the failure of Dominick's won't suffer one bit. On one hand you have 6,000 people losing their jobs, on the other hand you have the managers from Safeway who are ultimately responsible for the failure - and those guys always have their golden parachutes at the ready.

Comment Re:So what? (Score 0) 944

So, because you can't educate your morons, erm, people on the proper way to discard such stuff, we can't replace energy-hungry bulbs?

Good gracious! Better begin lamenting all the other electronic stuff which is already thrown away by such morons. Or did you think that this is a problem exclusive to LED lighting? Seriously? That's your argument?

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