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Comment Re:Sigh, that's another waste of time then. (Score 1) 149

One of the reasons the iPhone and iPad have done so well courting application developers is that Apple tries to keep everyone marching in formation, moving the platform forward without leaving current customers too far behind.

Well, that's easy to do if you control both the hardware and the OS. That's not an option for anyone else.

Comment Re:Propaganda won't help this time (Score 1) 503

Actual war zones?

  • Let's see: RH 827, 1979 by Simbabwian rebels.
  • IR 655, 1988. This was an Iranian airplane during the Iran-Iraq-War. I'm not quite sure how you think that an Iranian plane can avoid flying over Iran?
  • 9XR-NN, 1994. The jet of the Ruandian president. Again, how is a Ruandian airplane supposed to avoid Ruanda?

That's about all civilian airliners shot down during an actual war. I'm counting 3 so far. Unless, you also count the Cold War as a hot war.

Comment Re:Propaganda won't help this time (Score 2) 503

I agree with your post in general, but I want to point out a couple of exceptions. In English you're supposed to say "Ukraine" and not "the Ukraine" since Ukraine is an independent country and not a part of the USSR. The only people who know the difference and insist on "the Ukraine" are Russian sympathizers, so you're actually picking a side you may not wish to pick by saying "the Ukraine". Rules for languages other than English may be different. Don't agree with me? Then go to a website for a Ukrainian embassy in an English speaking country and you will see that they only say Ukraine and not "the Ukraine". I've been to Ukraine. I know.

Sorry, but I'm not a native speaker and such intricacies sometimes elude me. Seems strange to me that such a little article makes all the difference, because after all, you yourself call other countries "the US" or "the Netherlands".

And last time I looked both the US and the Netherlands were independent countries.

Comment Propaganda won't help this time (Score 5, Insightful) 503

That kind of propaganda might help them inside Russia where Putin has almost complete control over the press. But outside? With all the incriminating stuff that's already turned up?

I really don't think that the other major players will be impressed by Russian propaganda. The Ukraine certainly won't. The US won't as well, due to their longstanding tradition of mistrusting Russia, in addition to having lost citizens in the crash. Neither will several states in the EU - the Netherlands won't be happy with an "accident" explanation, particularly in light of the fact that an anti-air missile cannot really be considered an accident.

Comment Re:Ah. (Score 1) 752

First of all: That was hardly the only commercial liner to fly there.

Secondly, you seem to be under the impression that traffic control flies the planes. That is not so: Ultimately the crew decides the course. Traffic control merely watches that there are no dangerous approaches.

What this boils down to: The separatists put some unschooled and untrained people onto the seat of a BUK which then, due to being unable to make heads or tails out of the blips on the radar, decided to shoot at one blip by the roll of dice.

And that's the friendly interpretation.

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