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Comment Re:well, you see son (Score 1) 609

The closet thing I own to a firearm is a staple gun, so not trying to enhance my member.

When people take something and blow it out of proportion to make a point suddenly people are believing there is a war zone full of gun crazies running around, which just isn't the case. There isn't even really that many gun related gang deaths.

Comment Re: Whats wrong with US society (Score 1) 609

I'm sorry, what is it? According to the CDC influenza and pneumonia are a bigger killer than guns and nearly half of gun deaths are suicide. What mass shootings are you talking about the few that hit national news and are talked about over and over for decades, that one at the high school in Colorado happened 16 years ago?

Comment Re:0x4650 (Score 1) 141

Indie label also provide booking, promotion, and merchandise supply chains for artists but their contracts are not as all inclusive and the services are more limited than big name label's. My brother is in a band on an indie they got distribution and promotion for their album {commercial and college radio play} but nothing else they work with various booking and promotion services for live events and have a separate supply chain for merchandise.

Comment Re:Codeword (Score 1) 479

Maybe ten+ years ago the managers would call with dumb ass crap

This still goes on and every self important one of them has and calls my cell number as apposed to tier I or a self service option because after a five day countdown reminding them it's time to change their password they just let it expire anyway.

Comment Re:competition is good but where does the money go (Score 1) 72

if all you do is play some local festivals, events, bars, etc.. have a few t-shirts and a home studio recording you can even be loved locally but you are not the person I'm referring to.

I'm talking about the guys that write songs, record albums, do or commission cover art, merchandise designs, promotional art, music videos, have supply chains, promoters, and administrative overhead, tour for months at a time, do crap music blog interviews, internet radio shows, college and commercial radio shows, magazine interviews.

Comment Re:competition is good but where does the money go (Score 1) 72

That would be the part you didn't understand, music isn't a hobby for a recording artist. What you have are indie artists putting in full time hours plus working a regular full time job, sometimes their regular job is related to music but most of them just have regular jobs. They travel and sometimes a show doesn't even cover their costs even though there are 1k people attending.

Comment Re:competition is good but where does the money go (Score 1) 72

My brother is in an indie band that played rockfest kc this year {about 55k people attended} and toped at 41 on cmj chart. The money is in merchandising not digital sales or live events {although a lot of merch is sold at live events}. They sound successful but honestly can't afford to quit their day jobs.


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