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Comment Re:Overreach much? (Score 1) 216

My 2006 buick detects if someone is not wearing a seatbelt and turns off the passenger side airbag if no one is in the passenger seat {it didn't come with GPS}. If the GPS is built into the car I see no reason why it couldn't do the same.

You need bricks to put in the car for traction? No, to trick the car into thinking there is someone in the passenger seat so the GPS works when it's not in park.

Comment Re:I get enough flying priuses already. (Score 1) 186

They were both at the same intersection where the speed limit is 20 mph of course they were speeding. The first accident totaled the car and left her bruised and sore for a few weeks. The second accident she was able to drive away from with only a ding on the fender but she was driving my buick century from the early 80s. I recently bought her buick because she was so impressed by how the old one handled that accident.

Comment Re:Competition Sucks (Score 1) 507

Not safer but most personal auto insurance plans won't cover you in the event you are in an accident while driving commercially. My state doesn't require a special license if the vehicle holds less than 16 passengers, but you do need auto insurance that will cover commercial, a tax ID, and you have to pay taxes.

Comment Re:I get enough flying priuses already. (Score 2) 186

And WTF is up with idiots that slow down 10 - 20 MPH at every green light?

That's my wife, she has been hit by people running red lights while texting twice. I saw it happen to someone else Monday.

The city could make a boat load of money if they had cameras at the traffic lights catching the people running the red lights.

Comment Re:Cartels (Score 1) 253

No I imagine that getting a movie into a theater is probably harder than getting your music onto a commercial radio station. Most commercial radio stations don't play music from bands that are not signed to a label unless they are promoting a local show {ie. you payed them for advertising}

The idea that the internet has a made it possible for an artist to make it in music without a label is a farce. My brother plays in a successful local band and I listen to a lot of unsigned bands that have spent the money to record their own music. If you search through various music sites you'll find there is what appears to be an unending supply of bands that range from terrible to amazing that just aren't signed to label and are not making money {not enough to quit their day jobs}.

As far as Kim Dotcom I find it disturbing that he is not aloud to see the evidence against him in order to mount a defense.

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