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Comment Thanks a lot, President O (Score 1) 703

Well, its obvious that your true colors (the color of $$) have been reveled....just like your predecessor that pushed the DMCA into our lives. All I have to say is FU, Mr. Obama!. And FU Bill Clinton you c0cksuck3r! I am truly ashamed to have voted for either of you. Change is coming alright....it's just not what we were lead to believe. Don't worry, change is going to come during the next elections when I help vote your sorry ass out of office.

Comment Isn't it spelled "futbol"? (Score 1) 43

That Magnetic Sports Soccer game looked like fun. I'll have to test it out on my iPhone sometime. These types of applications by the game developers is a good thing for everyone. Just look at the success that Blizzard has enjoyed with WoW on Windows and OS X. It would be foolish for a developer creating a networked game to ignore either platform.

Comment Re:OH NOES (Score 1) 775

Holy smokes! You have put into a perfect post my exact thoughts from the last couple of months. Especially since I work for one of those multinational corporations that I haven't been able to leave due to our BS jobless economic recovery. Talk about an oxymoron phrase that I could NOT believe was actually being used by the media. I mean, seriously, how the fuck do you expect the economy to recover if new jobs aren't being created?!

Excellent Casino quote too. Very accurate.


Pigeon Turns Out To Be Faster Than S. African Net 406

inject_hotmail.com writes "The results are in: it's faster to send your data via an airborne carrier than it is through the pipes. As discussed Tuesday, a company in South Africa called Unlimited IT, frustrated by terribly slow Internet speeds, decided to prove their point by sending an actual homing pigeon with a "data card" strapped to its leg from one of their offices to another while at the same time uploading the same amount of data to the same destination via their ISPs data lines. The media outlet reporting this triumph said that it took the pigeon just over 1 hour to make the 80km/50mile flight, whereas it took over 2 hours to transfer just 4% of that data."

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