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Comment Re:Philosophy (Score 1) 130

Now all we've learned is that you define school bus in an idiosyncratic way, which already differs from the one I replied to (that definition stipulated that school buses also need to be owned or operated by a school). And if we ask 10 more people, we're going to find 10 more definitions, and I'm sure I can think of counter examples to all of them (for example, your definition would include parent-driven SUVs or any other kind of car frequently used to move children to and from school, which definitely doesn't count). Nevertheless, school buses exist, and there are vehicles that are definitely school buses. Maybe the problem is not with school buses, but with definitions.

Comment This is old news (Score 1) 130

Here is an article from Vice of all places about this research, from June

Research paper here:

Also, a funny video demonstrating the rudimental nature of nintendo ds brain training pattern recognition:

Comment Re:Why do I care what Harrison Ford thinks? (Score 1) 299

There were more than one actors in that movie, and I doubt their opinions are identical to each other. How do you decide between them? Surely only one of them can be right.

In other words, the fact that someone acted in a movie does not make their opinion more valuable than that of someone who hasn't.

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