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Comment While I'll gladly build a cloud based system... (Score 3, Insightful) 592

...for a client, I'm not going to fool them into believing its any more secure than offsite copies in C level officer's homes or other safe location with physical access. In fact, given what happened with Megaupload, I'm not sure I could, in good conscience, convince a customer that cloud computing is secure for them.

Comment Re:Correction. (Score 1) 572

The EPA exists solely to keep poor people from encroaching on rich people. A rich person wants to build a road through a patch of swamp they own? Pay a usage fee and go about your business. A poor person wants to do that? Say what? My entire salary for a year just to drain a little bit of wetlands to keep my kids from being bitten by mosquitos? 33 thousand dollars per acre of disturbance. To a rich person, that's a nuisance. To a poor person, that makes anything they wish to do impossible. This keeps rich people's lands from being overdeveloped and being taxed as high density, thus letting poor people move in.

Comment Gosh darnit. Two guys I'd like to do my PhD under (Score 3, Funny) 575

In one day, and they are both in California. I am stuck here in New Jersey. New Jersey is Hell. When people die, they don't go under the ground, they just pop up somewhere in Newark. See, us citizens of New Jersey are immortal because if we are killed, we just pop up back again in New Jersey. Its just really hard to navigate around Newark, so that's why you don't see us again..................

Comment Re:Gandhi isn't always right (Score 1) 838

Umm, try, "because we know we need a standing militia and they can help out a tyranical internal power taker" comma "we are going to make sure that the people have the teeth to repel such tyranical power taker and standing militia in the event that this crap happens to us again" not, we need militias to protect ourselves, so we need to let people have guns to form those militias. the latter is a completely obvious statement that wouldn't be needed to be pointed out! why in the heck would we need to codify that we need guns to have an army, right alongside a clause that tells us that we won't let our right to protest unfair treatment be taken away and we won't let any institutions like religion be nationalized in order to control us again.

Comment Unfortunately.... (Score 2, Informative) 609

...even by failing, they obviously learned something about the performance of that missile, and will draw conclusions that will allow them to build better missiles in the future. This reflects poorly on the United States, NATO, China, Japan, and S. Korea, since they couldn't prevent this clearly provocative activity from occuring and get N. Korea back to the table. The UN will do nothing, even with Ban as the secretary general.

Comment Re:i'll play counterpoint to the inevitable (Score 1) 83

Ok, I'll Bite. If you put an extra 8g into your server and it runs faster, is your server faster or is it just the 8g of ram you added? Do you say, my fps are up on on my 8g of ram, or on my gaming machine? It's not the 'performance enhancing substance' that wins any more than the balanced diet that you eat that keeps you from experiencing performance deficits. By that logic, we should force athletes to starve themselves--well, wrestling, haha--so they are not taking performance enhancing vitamins and minerals that their own body cannot produce.

Comment Re:How to adapt Ipod Touch w/Verison Wireless Card (Score 1) 205

Why not just get a used i730 off of ebay and get the unlimited internet. there should be wmwifirouter app available that will turn the i730 into a wireless router and allow you to use your IPT2G with it like a phone using skype or one of the other voip apps on the app store. I just hide my smartphone in another pocket and pretend like my touch is an iphone.

Comment Kind of makes sense (Score 1) 683

I have always pondered the universal significance of being born in the bottom of NJ, the terminus of the digestive system of the united states. I wonder what it would be like to have been born in europe or africa, but yet I am born here. I guess I could have been born in the middle of the air on an airplane, or at the bottom of the ocean, but I couldn't continue to exist there very long. I guess the same applies here. We apply extra significance to ourselves and our existence here in this universe in this solar system, but it just happens that we were born in the NJ of the multiverse, instead of the Europe of the multiverse, and could not have possibly continued to exist at the bottom of the sea if we were born there. Nothing special about here and now, just a possible solution that we as observers are uniquely aware of. I am just glad I wasn't born in the Africa of the universe.

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